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Full Version: Stealth ring macro
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Hey! i have a macro to use stealth ring when there is more than 4 creatures on screen but can someone change it so it equips it only when it's 4x tarantulas on screen please?

1000 {Stealth Ring} Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.NPCOnScreen()>=4 [else] Self.Equip.Ring(3049) Exit() {else} Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) Exit() Angel
Look this

Also, your macro dont work, the way you did it is checking for 4 more NPCs on the screen, and not 4 monsters (there is Creatures.NPCOnScreen()>=4 in place of Creatures.OnScreen()>=4). The right would be like this:
[macro]1000 {Stealth Ring} Self.Attacking()==1 Creatures.OnScreen()>=4 [else] Self.Equip.Ring(3049) Exit() {else} Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) Exit()[/macro]