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Full Version: I am 'falling downstairs' on wyrm respaw - Drefia
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I want to hunt Wyrms in Drefia, but my character sometimes falls down the stairs while following a running Wyrm, and then he'll quickly die to Elder Wyrms + massive wyrm respaw. How could I solve that ? I thought about a macro that goes X label when I get attacked by an Elder wyrm or move to X sqm, but a protector that beeps if there is an Elder Wyrm on the screen would be helpful too.

ps. : there are 2 different stairs which lead to the elder wyrm respaw, and 1 stair that goes to a Grim Reaper respaw. all those stairs are "downstairs"
sorry If my bad english make things confusing.
Thanks for reading!
Special SQMs
sou iniciante, pode explicar melhor?
English please Smile
I said I needed more info and he sent me the tutorial. Thanks Kimoszin!

gringos fila da puta