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Full Version: [MAGE] Cyclopolis -1 full
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hello, the game script in the Cyclops -1 killing dwarf guard, soldier, cyclops, and all creatures that belong to the -1.

necessary: exori frigo, exori flam, exori tera
level 33 + with good internet, 45 + with bad internet.

exp / h: 60 ~ 75k / h alone in the basement
script 100% afk edit potions on variables.

Could you make stealth ring if 3 cyclops?
200 {Ring Creatures on Screen} Creatures.OnScreen()>=4 [else] Self.Equip.Ring(3049) Exi() {else} Creatures.OnScreen()<=2 Self.UnEquip.Ring(3) Exit()

add this macro on script
this seems tobe a nice script i tested but it wont reposit with low manas i cared 2 times and it kept boting with less than 45 manas it had 20 in bp but main bp the (the first one) was closed , because i need to loot everything to first bp or it wont loot because other bps are bugged i think due to lag maybe idk... so... idk if theres another way to check mps even if bps are closed ? this would help i guess ... btw nice script gonna use it till ~50 41 now
why u've added fixed point before exp's wpt?