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I been trying to do this for a long time.....

Creatures.ByNameBeside(Corym Vanguard) returned 0
!CorymVanguard! has been set to 0

Creatures.ByNameBeside(Corym Skirmisher) returned 0
!CorymSkirmisher! has been set to 0

Self.Level() returned 69
[True] Self.Level()>=35

Self.Mana() returned 244
[True] Self.Mana()>=115

Self.Health%() returned 88
[True] Self.Health%()>55

VarAdd(CorymVanguard, !CorymSkirmisher!) returned 1
[False] VarAdd(CorymVanguard, !CorymSkirmisher!)>=3
[@] Exit of macro


Why would the macro always return 1 when it adds the 2 values even if its 0 0 it will still be 1, or even if it will be 1 and 2 it will be still 1, any clue why?
0 - false
1 - true

in procesor language
(04-19-2014, 05:15 PM)mr. Kris Wrote: [ -> ]0 - false
1 - true

in procesor language

Returno 1 because the function worked, varadd always return 1. The sum result is stored on the first param, varname.
So how would i make the bot execute the script if the calculation of 2 numbers is greater than 3?


something like that ? im not sure :p
VarAdd(Sum, !Var2!)

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