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Full Version: some bugs
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fount these out some months ago, not sure if is solved...

Windows Version: win 7 professional service pack 1
Firewall Version: windows firewall?
Antivirus Version: microsoft av
Script Used: my own
How to reproduce the bug: below \/
Photos/videos (optional): not needed

when you start, or end, a macro on macro editor with a variable-setting, such as:
and then you save it, it will be saved without the inicial and final lines of variable setting. BUT when you save with a function upon and below, it will be saved normally, as:

when you have a script with reconnect, then on one macro waypoint you call the Self.logout(), it will keep trying to reconnect and logging out as soon as it reconnects

3: (not sure if its proposital)
when you have a not timed macro waypoint("manual" or "once" macro), that goes further and back inside the macro script body through labels, the variables and functions values checking isn't in real time, it checks the values once then uses it every time it's checked, I mean for example a macro to check if tile has id 1234, if not, use id 5678 on tile 1234, then uses "use" on tile, then exit:

Map.HasID(1234, X, Y, Z)==1 [tryopenhole]
Map.Use(1234, X, Y, Z, Range)
Map.UseOn(ID 5678, OnID 1234, X, Y, Z, Range)

it wont work, because it will check the value of "Map.HasID(1234, X, Y, Z)==1 [tryopenhole]" only once, and then uses the same value(same result) every time it goes to "Label(start)", even if in real time it has already changed the id in the tile, it will get the same value for "Map.HasID(1234, X, Y, Z)" every time it gets to that line.
It also works(doesn't work) with variable checking and other functions as "!variable1!==1"
PS: it will work normally(real-timed) when you debug the script in the macro menu, but wont work when called in an waypoint