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Full Version: Sell ~280RP on Nerana full access to everywhere!
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Hello, I want to sell my ~280 RP on world Nerana, he have 110+ distance and 95 shielding. Character have access to everywhere also 1455 Points on Warzones, so it's a cashmaker, I'm selling a character with all equipment on ss and a little money in the bank. Account have 5 days voucher to Double exp and skill, also have 10% bonus on all of skills from Loyality points. Character have some addons like : Full Demon outfit,full citizen,full knight, full nobleman,full warrior,full barbarian,full assassin,full beggar,full shaman,full norseman,full nightmare,full demonhunter,full warmaster,full wayfarer,full afflicted and second hunter,first mage addon,first summoner,first oriental and Blazebringer, stampor, donkey, Tiger slug, Crystal wolf, War horse, Tamed panda, Gnarlhound and Widow Queen. Msg to me with offers, I prefer cash on Morta or real money.
offer money rl ?
What about demon task
how much do you want on morta? or cash in rl

(04-10-2015, 06:12 PM)[email protected] Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I want to sell my ~280 RP on world Nerana, he have 110+ distance

u botting him on bbot?