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Full Version: Help with "Map.UseOn" command
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Hello, I am trying to use potions on another character, but the macro command is not working.

Here it is:

Map.UseOn(268, 99, 32153, 31660, 8, 0)

(Map.UseOn(ID, OnID, X, Y, Z, Range))

Am I doind something wrong?

Using Macro Debug it returns this:


Map.UseOn(268, 99, 32153, 31660, 8, 0) returned 0

There is a character on the position...if I try the Map.HasID command:


Map.HasID(99, 32153, 31660, 8) returned 1

Please help me.
Try this:
[macro]800 {MP} PotionID:=268 Name:=PLAYER selfID:=Creature.ByName(!Name!) Creatures.ByRangeName(1, !Name!)>=1 Misc.ItemCount(Mana Potions)>=10 Creature.ShootOn(!selfID!, !PotionID!) [/macro]

Edit "PLAYER", for the name of character.