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Full Version: [EDITED] Problem with advanced attack
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Me and many other people have the same problem:

When we open the window 'advanced attack' the bbot looks so big in the screen (my screen's biggest resolution is 1024x760~) so i cant use the 'eastern zone' of the bot. It means I can't see Step 3 and I cant click to manage attack sequences because it's not in my screen.
Please tell me how to fix it by myself or mega fix it..
My premium is running and i'm botting without spells (my old scripts do not work and i cant do new ones)
Here you have a photo of the problem, part of the features hidden..

Mega at least answer me please, my premium is running and i can't buy new ones

Really disappointed...
Yesterday a beta version 65.2 was released with a fix for this issue, could you please update your BBot (download from the website)?
I sold the chars ashauah, tonight when i get home i'll test it