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Full Version: Need a macro to loot everything from Monster1 and Monster2
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I didnt saw in the bbot feathure a feathure wich loot everything from certain monster.
Because some spot have rare spawn and maybe they can drop somthing unknow that I don't want to miss AFK.

Plixor Help me x))

Yours Heli~~
U must watch clearly ur spawn events etc. I revomended add in all scripts to loot items from all events like goblins christmass silver raid token etc. If u miss something you wont cry cuz u didnt spent too much time in load script lol. I killed 2x chakoyas boss on nibelor in my ice fishing script and I didnt saw loot. Maby they drop rare item? I dont care just added all loot and enjoying of profot for northern pikes. If u gona cry by misses let start play manual on 20 mc lol ;D
It can help for event ofc.

It's true too that I can add all the loot but i tough better to add a macro to take everything inside some dead corpse.

I just want to see if some creature drop some rare stuff wich is not recorded.

I'm not crying but it could be a must.

And how you do if tibia make new monsters that you don't know any of the loot? Smile

I won't play hand that's why it's easier to make a macro to get some of those rare loot that could be dropped.

It's like hunting Orc Fortress Afk and you don't know there is an Old backpack Wink

Anyway, is there a macro that could be used for my necessity?

Btw I'm not hunting Northern Pike, cauz I can't make my own Script for it or either can't buy it actually.

While hunting Northern pike and getting 400k -800k for 10hours it's understanding that you won't need Mammoth Whopper or either the eye of the storm ;D

If I were so rich [...] Hmmm, I will be Glad x)

Thx at all

Damn, I think I can make my script for those northern xD

Gonna Try Try Try x)