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Full Version: HELP MACRO !!!
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Look people, I'm new here and learning to move in the program, there goes my doubts:

Hunting in the basement BBot should go through the scrip

Macro (33243 32623 10: Cap <= 10; Health Potion <= 4)

he should do the counting of health potion and cap, and the result is the value for lower then the valure, following the script, if not start.

But when he passes the macro is not working, I tried the script FullChek too, and nothing.
Does anyone have a Macro good for these counts?
check out something that suplies the macro own account and starting it, making the option, or some other good tip.

Thank you.

Attached is the script of mine changed if someone wanted to use too, very good for the basement of scarab, with deposit and buy mp and hp.