04-27-2021, 01:17 AM
Hello BBot users!
BBot just became FREE! I would like to thank to every BBot user during the almost 15 years of it existence, many of you loyal, many of you who deserve better service! BBot will improve, in few months, we will have another developer and it will continue FREE! BBot was always run basically by me alone, with the help of our moderators.
Unfortunately I usually don't have enough time to care BBot, not the time it deserves. I learned so much skills, grow. BBot was a huge part of my life, but I feel it's time to move forward. We plan to improve the community and open the source, we want to keep BBot alive!
Thank you so much for all the learning experience!
Come to our Telegram and chat with us! https://t.me/joinchat/HOOdBhIdKCY1MmM5
BBot just became FREE! I would like to thank to every BBot user during the almost 15 years of it existence, many of you loyal, many of you who deserve better service! BBot will improve, in few months, we will have another developer and it will continue FREE! BBot was always run basically by me alone, with the help of our moderators.
Unfortunately I usually don't have enough time to care BBot, not the time it deserves. I learned so much skills, grow. BBot was a huge part of my life, but I feel it's time to move forward. We plan to improve the community and open the source, we want to keep BBot alive!
Thank you so much for all the learning experience!
Come to our Telegram and chat with us! https://t.me/joinchat/HOOdBhIdKCY1MmM5