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Hello Folks,

I play in an ot that doesn't allow afk botting, that's why I'm trying to develop a macro which will alert me when a bot verification comes to me. My secret is use keywords do alert me.
The keywords are the following ones:

1000 {verification} When.AnyMessage(Pik, denĂșncia) When.AnyMessage(Pik2, 100%) When.AnyMessage(Pik3, AFK) When.AnyMessage(Pik4, 3 minutos) Exit() {Pik} Self.Say(q chatice esse pessoal denunciando) Misc.Alert(denuncia) Exit() {Pik2} Self.Say(blz meu querido) Misc.Alert(100%) Exit() {Pik3} Self.Say(Nao to afk nao po) Macro.Wait(5000) Self.Say(Obrigado de qualquer forma) Misc.Alert(AFK) Exit()

For some reason, this is not working, any of you guys would mind to explain me why?
