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Sorry if this is wrong thread.

Is it possible to kill Mother Slime after seeing player on screen or beeing moved ? Cause i'm afking while skilling and it can help me avoid deaths. If it's possible, please send me PM how can i do this or just say in this thread. Thanks for reply.

Sorry for my bad english.
It would be better to equip a stronger weapon for killing the "mother" Slime faster.
  • Add this macro to Advanced Tools -> Macros

    0 {ChangeWeapon} weapon:=1234 Misc.ItemCountEx(!weapon!)>=1 Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>!weapon! Self.Equip.LeftHand(!weapon!) Trainers.Stop() Killer.Start()

    1234 = ID of weapon to change to (a better weapon than the one you are training with)
  • Add Slime to Killer's list.
  • Go to Protector and choose:
    1. Kind: Moved
    2. tick Macro and choose: ChangeWeapon
    3. tick Logout
    • Go again to Protector and choose:
      1. Kind: Player on Screen
      2. tick Macro and choose: ChangeWeapon
      3. tick Logout
  • Test it & post results.
I tried this macro. He's changing weapon to stronger, but he doesnt want to kill "mother". Yes i did everything u want me to do.
Sorry for my bad eng.
0 {ChangeWeapon} weapon:=1234 Misc.ItemCountEx(!weapon!)>=1 Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>!weapon! Self.Equip.LeftHand(!weapon!) Trainers.Stop()==1 Killer.Start()==1

Try now, you can also try Close Tibia instead of Logout and stealth ring macro instead of Changing Weapon:

0 {Equip Stealth Ring} Misc.ItemCountEx(3049)>=1 Self.Inventory.Ring()<>3086 Self.Equip.Ring(3049)
I'm trying this macro now, i'll post results. If it won't work, i'd use Stealth Ring Macro.
Thanks very much for help. Reput for u Wink