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What are the best places to hunt level between 0 and 50 (PACC and FACC)?

To post and indicate whether it is free or premium!
Mistrock ? Cyclops Toe 50gp ea Angel
actually it depends on vocation and what u want exp or cash Smile
But i'd say..
Premium: 8-20 Swamp trolls for cash
Darashia rotworms or larvae for exp
20-30 Crocodiles/Tombs
30-40 Nomads
40-50 Cyclopolis
Cool guys!

I'll make some scripts FREE between level 0 and 50.

Keep posting! Smile
8-20 - Swamp Trolls - Port Hope
8-20 - Rotworms - Darashia
8-20 - Crocodile - Port Hope
8-20 - Elves - Yalahar
8-20 - Minotaurs - Kazordoon
8-20 - Trolls - Edron
8-20 - Goblins - Edron
20-40 - Tortoise/Crocodile - Fenrock(Yalahar)
20-40 - Tarantulas - Port Hope
20-40 - Nomad Cave - Ankrahmun
40-50 - Coryms - Port Hope/Carlin/Venore
40-50 - Mistrock - Yalahar
40-50 - Cyclopolis(-1,-2) - Edron
40-50 - Dark Magicians - Yalahar
40-50 - Banuta Surface - Port Hope(Banuta)