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Hello guys i need help to make a macro!!! I explain
the idea is to make bot take loot then come to this "deposit area" open bp, move loot into bp and when this bp is full, open the other and keep saving loot like a dp! thanks!

Aditions : BP is Purple Bp and is on the floor! with alot of bps one inside the other..!
items like plate shield , mace and stuff
Theoretically you could throw 2 BPs on floor, BP1 with many others inside, like you said, and an other beside it BP2, with only one. Then you could stop over them, open the BP1, then open BP2, then trow the item on the ground and pick them up on BP2, configure the looter to loot those items to BP1, it will move them from BP2 to BP1 and open the next one when its full.

But I can assure you, noone is gonna do something, that complicated, for you, for free Wink
Coizado its right its an complex macro, im still working on it... Coizado thats remaind me about the post i make about this jajajajaja xD