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If someone need Scripts or Macros - Printable Version

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RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 11-06-2013

(11-05-2013, 08:47 PM)arnoldo Wrote: I search script for royal paladin to coryms port hope full afk

arnoldo, i doens't have pally for make scripts.. =/ sry bro ED-MS-EK .

(11-06-2013, 05:33 AM)Soulness Wrote: war golems for knight in yalahar, with stand time

ok.. it's a hard place '-' but i go make it and.. which level of your EK?

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - sereczek - 11-06-2013

I need script for my 55 ek skill 81/76 5 magic
I need to make cash, not exp Smile please tell me or make something for me, rly ty Smile

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - brunoozin - 11-06-2013

I need macro to put serpent sword (or any meelee) when spears = 0
and a macro to put spears in hand when drop it from troll or has any spear in bp

the refiller of spears i think i can do

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 11-06-2013

(11-06-2013, 07:16 PM)sereczek Wrote: hello
I need script for my 55 ek skill 81/76 5 magic
I need to make cash, not exp Smile please tell me or make something for me, rly ty Smile

look in JESHUA STEP scripts , Apes Banuta , this script is easily to customizable, change variable of HP potion in 239 to 236 (strong health) and change Amount mp , 300 to 150, and amount HP , 80 to 50, and use , he explain all of your script you .. Banuta has a very profit.. look and test =]. Anyone help or something pls post here or pm me and i will try to help you^^

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - sereczek - 11-06-2013

sorry, its facc ;/

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 11-06-2013

(11-06-2013, 08:01 PM)brunoozin Wrote: I need macro to put serpent sword (or any meelee) when spears = 0
and a macro to put spears in hand when drop it from troll or has any spear in bp

the refiller of spears i think i can do

1000 {Spear} Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()<10 Self.Equip.LeftHand(3277) Exit()
Macro for Equip Spears in Hand.

1000 {Serpent Sword} Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()<1 Self.Equip.LeftHand(3297) Exit()
Macro for Equip Serpent Sword if no have spear in hand.

Smile any question or problem post here or pm me ty.

(11-06-2013, 08:12 PM)sereczek Wrote: sorry, its facc ;/

hmm try corym or go salamander xD i think. =]

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - koxtibijczyk - 11-07-2013


RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - SsixDex - 11-08-2013

. I want find Macro auto-recharger Nature rainbow shield (fast restore)

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 11-08-2013

(11-08-2013, 01:25 AM)SsixDex Wrote: . I want find Macro auto-recharger Nature rainbow shield (fast restore)

Carry another shield and enchanted small emeralds in BP.

1000 {Swap Shield} Self.Inventory.RightHand()==8077 Self.Equip.RightHand(ID) Exit()

Change the "ID" to the "ID" of the shield that you take. This macro will change the Rainbow Shield for dwarven shield (exemple).

1000 {Equip Terran Rainbow} Self.Backpacks.UseOn(677, 8077) Self.Equip.RightHand(8081) Exit()

This macro will use the small enchanted emerald in Rainbow Shield to turn into Terran Rainbow Shield and then will put it in place of the "other shield".

I think this was the hardest macro that I already did haha. =]

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 11-13-2013

bump. xD

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - jucks666 - 12-05-2013

I need a Macro for use Life ring , but when x monsters on screen it change to energy ring, then life ring back that possible?

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Elmgren1337 - 12-05-2013

I need help to learn how to make safe exori, exori gran. exevo mas san etc.
exori san, and exori vis. Same shit, help me someone?

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 12-05-2013

(12-05-2013, 11:30 AM)jucks666 Wrote: I need a Macro for use Life ring , but when x monsters on screen it change to energy ring, then life ring back that possible?

1000 {LifeRingtoEnergyRing} Creatures.OnScreen()<3 [jump] Self.Equip.Ring(3052) Exit() {jump} Creatures.OnScreen()>=3 Self.Equip.Ring(3051) Exit()

(12-05-2013, 11:46 AM)Elmgren1337 Wrote: I need help to learn how to make safe exori, exori gran. exevo mas san etc.
exori san, and exori vis. Same shit, help me someone?

look, you can use safe mode in tibia, "new pvp system" , and you can use macros,

1000 {Safe Exori} Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()<1 Creatures.Beside()>=3 Self.Say(Exori)

look this macro, bot will use Exori if have 3 creatures beside you and Players on Screen <1 (0) , if have 1 people in screen and have 3 creatures beside bot don't use spell.

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - formela1992 - 12-05-2013

Hello You need the macro something like this with the threnody for Slim, and someone pops me this figure kills Slim and gives logos or returns back to this place Help

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 12-05-2013

(12-05-2013, 08:07 PM)formela1992 Wrote: Hello You need the macro something like this with the threnody for Slim, and someone pops me this figure kills Slim and gives logos or returns back to this place Help

sorry but i did not understand anything of what you are asking .. can you explain better?

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Maurisin - 12-06-2013

I need one, if 2, 2+ behes on screen shoots ava if only 1 exori frigo Smile it will be really helpful

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - burla - 12-06-2013

could you see my port n try to help me at least with macro?

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - lililko - 12-06-2013

Hello, I need script por mage 90+,I thought the tomb you have to put a scarb coin to enter,that has ds vampires,you could help me?

sabe a tumba que bota a scarb coin pra entrar tem que tem os ds vampire e no andar debaixo necro e tal tbm, seria possivel fazer um script la? que fosse possivel ele jogar gfb/avalanche nos bixo.

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - Thiaguin- - 12-06-2013

(12-06-2013, 04:46 AM)Maurisin Wrote: I need one, if 2, 2+ behes on screen shoots ava if only 1 exori frigo Smile it will be really helpful

500 {Avalanche} monsterCount:=2 shootID:=3161 Creatures.ByName(Behemoth)>=!monsterCount! target:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.ShootOn(!target!, !shootID!)

use this macro for use avalanches and configure killer to use exori frigo.

(12-06-2013, 10:33 AM)burla Wrote: could you see my port n try to help me at least with macro?

0 {Spear} Self.Equip.LeftHand(3277)

add it in correctly sqm.

500 {Equip Small Stone} Misc.ItemCountEx(1781)>=15 Self.Equip.LeftHand(1781)

auto equip small stone.

(12-06-2013, 12:14 PM)lililko Wrote: Hello, I need script por mage 90+,I thought the tomb you have to put a scarb coin to enter,that has ds vampires,you could help me?

sabe a tumba que bota a scarb coin pra entrar tem que tem os ds vampire e no andar debaixo necro e tal tbm, seria possivel fazer um script la? que fosse possivel ele jogar gfb/avalanche nos bixo.

which tomb you need??

RE: If someone need Scripts or Macros - ompiz - 12-06-2013

could you do a script that buys every bless (of course except premium one) but instead boating, it's traveling by foot? I mean bless buying for free account players. Big Grin