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how much rings - Printable Version

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how much rings - browarekk - 08-29-2013

please write someone me a macro that plays the alarm sound when the amout of stealth rings is smaler than 3.
or what should i write to that macro
2000 {malo stealthringow} Misc.ItemCountEx(3049)<3
will it work?

prosze kogoś o napisanie macro żeby bot uruchamial alarm jeśli w bp będzie mniej niz 3 stealth ringi.
aalbo co mam dopisać do tego macro
2000 {malo stealthringow} Misc.ItemCountEx(3049)<3
i czy wgle to zadziała

oczywiście każda pomoc zostanie doceniona Smile

RE: how much rings - kamill - 08-30-2013

2000 {stealth} Misc.ItemCountEx(3049)<=2 Misc.Alert(Low stealth rings!!!)

RE: how much rings - browarekk - 08-31-2013

thx a loot rep+ for you of course Smile