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i have problems with reconect - Printable Version

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i have problems with reconect - sonrisas - 09-26-2013

hello Smile im just posting to clear a doubt about bbot reconect its working well? cause i used to and didnt work ,is there anything worng with reconect? or i just didnt configure well?

anyone who can answer my doubt i rly apreciate Smile


RE: i have problems with reconect - wanahduu - 09-26-2013

mega said it was fixed but its not working

RE: i have problems with reconect - Noowy - 10-24-2013

Download the new version of BBot and all will be work great.

RE: i have problems with reconect - sereczek - 11-05-2013

still not working..
normal reconnect after kick not working and reconnect after ss too -,-
add reconect when tibia in minimized (hidden)