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Help me - Printable Version

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Help me - Yxowix - 02-25-2014

Jak ktos wie jak to zrobic prosilbym o pomoc, nie chce robic formata...

W Configs usunalem 2 scrypty, a pozostaly 2 ikonki ktore maja 0 MB i sie ich nie da usunac jesli ktos wie jak je usunac, poniewaz jak sciagam bbota nowego to one mi zamieniaja bbota na starego i mi nie dziala pod nowa wersje. prosze o pomoc

As anyone knows how to do it would ask for help, do not want to format ...

In Configs removed the 2 scrypts, and the remaining two icons that have a 0 MB and in August they can not remove if someone knows how to remove them, because as it pulls bbot new bbot they turn me on old and did not work under the new version. please help

RE: Help me - Nobody93 - 02-25-2014

Zrób nowy folder z bbotem?

Create new folder and paste there a bbot.