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help protector - Printable Version

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help protector - blantocholiczek - 02-28-2014

hiho sorry me eng is very bad i have problem me protector did not work i set low mana potion <200> protector selected sound v logout v

mana potions fall protector 199 and nothing makes no sound and no logout
and my character does not logout and raining the whole level falls
protector acts as someone sees only the potions do not work

plx help I can insert photo of Protector

RE: help protector - Dexter - 03-03-2014

Post a printscreen of this configuration.

RE: help protector - blantocholiczek - 03-04-2014

moje zdjecie ma za duzy rozmiar czy moge pokazac zdjecie na jakies stronie internetowej

my picture is too big size if I can show photo on the website have any