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help installing bbot - Printable Version

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help installing bbot - vmwb - 08-03-2015

i currently own a computer with windows 10 and am unable to install bbot i used winrar to unzip but when i have to install it says i cannot run the .exe file and the .dll files give me a huge error. All ideas are invited

Thank you

RE: help installing bbot - ericporto - 08-03-2015

Right click in bbot icon and select propertys.
Find the compatibility configurations and run it in Windows Xp SP3 compatibility.

RE: help installing bbot - EVERTON GIMENES VASCONCELOS - 08-05-2015

Estou com uma grande dificuldade de utilizar o bbot.

Comprei faz dois dias. Ativei depois de 1 minuto.

Instalei o bbot, executo como administrador.

Faço login, só que abre apenas MultiClient.

Não sei o que fazer, alguém pode me ajudar?
I have a great difficulty using the bbot .

I bought two days ago . Activated after 1 minute .

Bbot installed , run as administrator.

I log , only opens only MultiClient .

I do not know what to do , can anyone help me ?

RE: help installing bbot - ericporto - 08-06-2015

Everton esplique melhor oque está acontecendo, o bbot não se conecta ao seu client do tibia?


Everton explain it better, does bbot do not conect to your tibia client?