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Fullcheck Bp Cheia - Bp Full - Printable Version

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Fullcheck Bp Cheia - Bp Full - jefferson88 - 12-14-2016

Boa noite a todos.
alguem saberia me dizer como fazer um Fullcheck pra ver se a backpack2 esta cheia de Gold?
tipo se a bp estiver cheia ele vai depositar e volta
se nao continua.

ou entao quando enxer a primeira bp ele comecar a colocar o dinheito na Backpack3 ?
Muito Obrigado a quem puder ajudar.

Good evening everyone !
Could someone tell me how to make a Fullcheck to see when the backpack2 is full of Gold?
like ... if backpack2 is full, so go to deposit and return to hunt.
If it does not continue

Or, when the backpack2 is full change to deposit gold to in the Backpack3?
Thanks so much for who can help me !

RE: Fullcheck Bp Cheia - Bp Full - Catar - 12-14-2016

put backpacks one inside another, bbot automatically opens next one inside

RE: Fullcheck Bp Cheia - Bp Full - jefferson88 - 12-15-2016

(12-14-2016, 04:51 AM)Catar Wrote: put backpacks one inside another, bbot automatically opens next one inside
