String variables in Macros? - MegaNo0body - 08-15-2018
Just wondering... Let's suppose...
What if we could use string in macros?
What if we had even a simple API, like the following one?
Could it make possible to bring new features to BBot? (yey Cassino, AutoResponder..., some NPC quest? maybe POI with fucking bureaucrats?)
Quote:Comment(String Assignation)
Str.Set(A, Hello)
Str.Set(B, World)
Str.Set(C, hello)
Str.Set(Message, !A !B)
Comment(String Comparision)
Str.Equals(A, B)==:False
Str.Equals(A, C)==:True
Str.EqualsSensitive(A, C)==:False
Comment(String Manipulation)
Comment(String Regex Pattern Matching)
Str.Set(Text, You have 12345 gold pieces.)
Str.Set(MoneyPattern, You have (\d+) gold pieces.)
Str.Regex(MoneyPattern, Text)==:True
Str.Equals(Str.Match.1, 12345)
Str.Set(NoMatch, What the hell)
Str.Regex(MoneyPattern, NoMatch)==:False
Comment(LOOL BBot has String support in macros)
Comment(This is actual API and this is a valid macro hehe)
had we have this simple STR API.. we could extend some functionalities like "Event/Listener/When/Handlers":
Quote:Comment(NOTICE the following API is not final and may change before the final release)
Comment(Message Handling with When handlers)
Messages.whenAny(whenLabel, messageRegexPatternString)
Messages.whenSystem(whenServerSave, "Server will shutdown.*")
Messages.whenAny(whenLow, "low")
Messages.whenAny(whenHigh, "high")
Messages.whenSay(whenDeposit, "deposit (\d+)")
Messages.whenSpell(whenExori, "exori")
Messages.whenSpell(whenSio, "exura sio")
Messages.whenSpell(whenSummon, "utevo res")
Self.Say(Someone said LOW)
Self.Say(Someone said HIGH)
Self.Say(!Message.Sender.Name said DEPOSIT with !Message.Group.0)
Comment(Combo SIO!)
Self.Say(exura sio "!Message.Spell.Param)
Comment(Additional Variables)
!Message.IsSystem :true | :false
!Message.IsPositional :true | :false
!Message.IsSpell :true | :false
!Message.Kind ystem | :positional | :creature | ay | pell
Regex Group
Now that we also could have a 'When' event system using macros, we could extend it to other advanced features:
Quote:CreatureData = !Creature.ID, !Creature.Name
ContainerData = !Container.ID
Creatures.whenEnterScreen(LabelName) -> CreatureData
Creatures.whenLeaveScreen(LabelName) -> CreatureData
Creatures.whenSkull(LabelName) -> CreatureData
Creatures.whenParty(LabelName) -> CreatureData
Creatures.whenWalk(LabelName) -> CreatureData
Containers.whenOpen(LabelName) -> ContainerData
Containers.whenClosed(LabelName) -> ContainerData
String Handling? Why not... packet handling?
Str.ToHex(MsgAsHex, Hello World)
Misc.SendPacket(0x12 0xF2 !Self.Equip.LeftHand.ID 1 !MsgAsHex)
By the way, what is the best name for Messages handling macros?
- Messages.handleSay
- Messages.onSay
- Messages.whenSay
Leave your vote!
RE: String variables in Macros? - Nvp - 08-15-2018
Casino with auto inviter
RE: String variables in Macros? - Catar - 08-15-2018
WhenSay will be better understood imo
Fantastic gays mans in your town - Emos - 05-13-2024
Fantastic gays mans in your city
Suave gays boys