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About the changes [Staff] - Printable Version

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About the changes [Staff] - aniro - 10-22-2012


I'm here to talk about the changes that the staff have made today in Reputation rewards. Yesterday i have got 30 reputations points, sended a email to the staff and i was supose to earn 2 months of bbot. Today i have asked to Dexter about it and he told me it was changed to 50 reputation to get only one month. First of all, almost noone gives REP+ here. I see all the time scripts that have been downloaded over 100 times and the owner have like 5 REP.
I just dont think its fair.. I dont feel motivated to help people anymore. Please staff think twice..


RE: About the changes [Staff] - Warr - 10-22-2012

Respect is above everything.

Real Topic Titles
All the topics must have a real title.
Invalid titles examples: HELP, URGENT

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The language must respect the sections. However on [Multi-Language] its allowed to create topics with other languages (using Topic Prefixes) and to post in any language.

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Free talk about anything: [Multi-Language] Off-Topic

Remember: surgestions, ideas, bugs must be reported on the Issue Tracker, or on the News Section (on the BBot Version Topic wich the bug is present).

Free BBot
For every 50 reputation points on the forums you earn 30 premium days on the BBot. If you have a 50 reputations, 100, 150... please contact me on: [email protected] telling your forum user and bbot email.

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Script selling is only allowed on the right forum. The BBot team is not responsible for the negotiations that occurs there.

Do not ads, disrespect or do questions on the shoutbox. Questions should be asked on the Support forums. English only.

The Rules Enforcement
Max points a user can receive: 3 points.

1 Point: (33%) suspension of post right for one week.
2 Points: (66%) suspension of post right for two weeks.
3 Points: (100%) banish for one month.

Warnings: (Duration: one month)
Topic On Wrong Section: 1 point.
Invalid Thread Title: 1 point.
Spam: 1 point.
Disrespect: 1 point.
Shoutbox Language: 1 point.
Insistence: 1 point.
Offending Staff: 2 points.
Hack Attemp: 3 points. (Permanent)

RE: About the changes [Staff] - spiff26 - 10-22-2012

You can say that this is not fair, but it's not because of forum rules but by the users, in this case, not to recognize the help they received. See the example you gave: You make a script that had 100 downloads, normally you would have at least 30 rep+ (for it is not possible that with this number of download script has not diso últiu to anyone), in case of not receiving the + rep recebira feedback (indicating problems etc) and then you pack would give you rep+. But see how much you would receive for just a script.

Just making an addendum, which is why I have not posted many scripts. People do not give lower rep+, so far no problem, but do not give any feedback, do not report whether they liked it or not, what could be improved etc. So I do not know if it is actually being helpful to someone. Today I was fixing a script to be set only by the Variables (gave a miserable job to do everything, because he is great and I was doing for the 4 vocations) but I do not know if everyone would be running to or not, because the most just want to download and ready. So I'm considering to start selling my scripts out instead of sharing them.

RE: About the changes [Staff] - Warr - 10-22-2012

(10-22-2012, 07:15 PM)spiff26 Wrote: You can say that this is not fair, but it's not because of forum rules but by the users, in this case, not to recognize the help they received. See the example you gave: You make a script that had 100 downloads, normally you would have at least 30 rep+ (for it is not possible that with this number of download script has not diso últiu to anyone), in case of not receiving the + rep recebira feedback (indicating problems etc) and then you pack would give you rep+. But see how much you would receive for just a script.

Just making an addendum, which is why I have not posted many scripts. People do not give lower rep+, so far no problem, but do not give any feedback, do not report whether they liked it or not, what could be improved etc. So I do not know if it is actually being helpful to someone. Today I was fixing a script to be set only by the Variables (gave a miserable job to do everything, because he is great and I was doing for the 4 vocations) but I do not know if everyone would be running to or not, because the most just want to download and ready. So I'm considering to start selling my scripts out instead of sharing them.

That's right, but thats is everywhere.

RE: About the changes [Staff] - aniro - 10-22-2012

The point here, those who contribute must gain something... thats the point, or everybody will follow the piff26 exemple and start selling stuff, too many of my scripts i did to help, I dident even used them... and what will i gain for all my work? i big and amazing NoThIng. Thats awesome... so I will just do like everybody else here sit and let the others do the job. I think thats why just few people contribute here. Those who helps must have some kinda of reward, special areas, something. To motivate we keep doing our work.(not just free bot, cuz i think the money is not the problem to almost everybody here).

RE: About the changes [Staff] - spiff26 - 10-22-2012

Those who receive help through it (for instance after 50 time channels rep+). But governing is not who wins or scores (which shows if you're actually helping). ie you no longer get your reward if the person who helped you did not recognize this help. In your case I suggest placing a notice on its session scripts, for example (I do not let on that I do not really care about that).

In short, in my opnion, the score is the most democratic and easy to [Mega-] recognize who is helping to grow the forum.

RE: About the changes [Staff] - MegaNo0body - 10-23-2012

(10-22-2012, 06:48 PM)aniro Wrote: Hi,

I'm here to talk about the changes that the staff have made today in Reputation rewards. Yesterday i have got 30 reputations points, sended a email to the staff and i was supose to earn 2 months of bbot. Today i have asked to Dexter about it and he told me it was changed to 50 reputation to get only one month. First of all, almost noone gives REP+ here. I see all the time scripts that have been downloaded over 100 times and the owner have like 5 REP.
I just dont think its fair.. I dont feel motivated to help people anymore. Please staff think twice..


As you sent the email before that change, you received the prize. Sorry for the delay, I was lazy.