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Need Makro Mana potion - Printable Version

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Need Makro Mana potion - Adamboss - 10-25-2012

Need makro for mana potion when have 100 mana use mana potion Smile)
Please help me i give rep !

RE: Need Makro Mana potion - spiff26 - 10-26-2012

1000 {use mp} mp:=ID_ManaPotion Self.Mana()<=100 Target.Self() Target.Shoot(!mp!) Exit()
Change ID_ManaPotion for the ID of Mana Potion (mana potion=268, smp=237, gmp=238)

RE: Need Makro Mana potion - devas - 10-27-2012

(10-26-2012, 12:12 AM)spiff26 Wrote:
1000 {use mp} mp:=ID_ManaPotion Self.Mana()<=100 Target.Self() Target.Shoot(!mp!) Exit()
Change ID_ManaPotion for the ID of Mana Potion (mana potion=268, smp=237, gmp=238)

And macro for ghp healing?
I tryed to make it own, but it dont work <lol>.. can u help me?

RE: Need Makro Mana potion - nizlov - 10-27-2012

1000 {use ghp} ghp:=239 hp:=700 Self.Health()<=!hp! Target.Self() Target.Shoot(!ghp!) Exit()

Change 700 for desired number of health points (hp).

RE: Need Makro Mana potion - Adamboss - 10-29-2012

Can you make me all makro in one ?

1200 {Heal} HP:=1800 MP:=40 Self.Health()<=!HP! Self.Mana()>=!MP! Self.Say(exura ico)

1000 {use mp} mp:=268 Self.Mana()<=100 Target.Self() Target.Shoot(!mp!) Exit()

1000 {use ghp} ghp:=239 hp:=1400 Self.Health()<=!hp! Target.Self() Target.Shoot(!ghp!) Exit()

All is work ? can you change that to fast say exura ico ? and pots?