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How to cut jungle grass by machete - Printable Version

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How to cut jungle grass by machete - waldek0990 - 12-04-2012

Hello I have very anoying problem. I try hard but i cannot cut out jungle grass. for example i do everything like that:

I start with fixed point next to the grasss
2 then in option "maptool" i write:
target ID 3696 (jungle grass)
USE ID 3308 (machete)
x: <done>
y: <done>
z: <done>

can anybody help me please i give reputation point or some shit.
DEXTER i need your help.

RE: How to cut jungle grass by machete - Kajtek - 12-04-2012

1. Add fixed pint before grass.
2. Add maptool again before grass.
id grass
id machete
position grass X
position grass Y
position grass Z

maybe you add position before grass not position grass.

RE: How to cut jungle grass by machete - waldek0990 - 12-04-2012

i wrote X,Y,Z of the plate with grass. i should try again.
@ edit it worked only one time but next time with THE SAME script doesnt work. i think this is a bug.

RE: How to cut jungle grass by machete - Kajtek - 12-04-2012

where u need this maptool,where u make scrypt. ?

RE: How to cut jungle grass by machete - Dexter - 12-05-2012

Option 1:

Option 2: (Use macro for "open door with key". Just change the IDs)