[b]New hunting grounds:[/b]
[float=right][img][/img][/float][list][*]Ankrahmun surroundings: a terramite dungeon was added in the desert.
[*]Nibelor: a new dungeon with ice golems and crystal spiders was added.
[*]Port Hope - Tiquanda: a new carniphila dungeon can be found in the jungle.
[*]Svargrond Barbarian Camp: a new hunting area with ice golems, crystal spiders, and ice witches was created.
[*]Svargrond Formorgar Glacier: dungeons with stone golems, gargoyles, frost dragons, frost dragon hatchlings, crystal spiders, and [*]quara scouts were added. Also, the environment was changed a bit.
[*]Svargrond surroundings: a new special mammoth cave was added.
[*]Yalahar: a new hunting ground with war golems was placed in the Factory Quarter.
[*]Zao Muggy Plains: a new dungeon with lizard chosens was implemented.
[*]Zao Steppe: a new area with gnarlhounds was added.[/list]
[b]Changes on existing hunting grounds:[/b]
[float=left][img][/img][/float][list][*]Ankrahmun Oasis Tomb
[*]Edron Wyvern Hill
[*]Laguna Island
[*]Svargrond Barbarian Camp
[*]Svargrond Formorgar Cave
[*]Svargrond Formorgar Glacier
[*]Svargrond Formorgar Mines
[*]Yalahar Factory Quarter
[*]Zao Razzachai
[url=]tibia gold[/url]
[*]Zao Steppe[/list]