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[MS] 4x 30lvls FACC
I am looking for script for 4characters 30lvls sorcerers FACC
I have no idea where i can bot with 4multi clients and havent any scripts.
No need money making, it can be 100gp profit/h.
i have plate set + woce at each character
If anyone can help me i will give you REP+
east rots thais

Attached Files
.bbot   Thais East Rotworms 100% afk dla Druida, Sorca prod. robsson1994.bbot (Size: 8.89 KB / Downloads: 59)
Thanks for answer, but rotworms isnt good place.
I botted in venore rotworms, but every 2lvls i died becouse of pk.
I need better place like ghostland or something for 4characters 30lvls mages without good eq.
venore rots isnt thais south east rots..

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