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Safe EK Exori & Copying your Waypoints

Somewhat recent updates messed up these macros. do not use them now

Ok, so since many people ask me, pm me same question once every few days.

How to setup safe exori to not hit people?

And what I mean, is an actual REAL 100% Safe exori, not just falsely safe which you can easily find in other posts of this forum which I NOT recommend to use, because they're easy to neglect.

I prepared Ready script, lets call it template, for them to use on their EK Scripts.

Also made video explaining how to finish setting it up.

.bbot   EK Safe AOE Template.bbot (Size: 3.69 KB / Downloads: 182)

To use my Safe Exori template on script you already have, you need to copy your waypoints, looter, killer, healer settings, as well as macros and variable you had.

Here is video showing how to do this in Notepad with your waypoints.

Sorry i realised it just after making that video, but you can also copy it the other way,
Copy AdvancedAttack settings, Attack Sequences and Macros from my Template to your EK script.
And remember to set up monsters you wish to attack

Just remember if u copy settings from one script to another, dont touch any line that has @M...... within.
Rep+ Flying to you Smile))))))
You want me to test this with you on Tongue I'm 95% sure i will make you hit my character with those mass spells Big Grin
(02-28-2017, 09:01 AM)Kazan Wrote: You want me to test this with you on Tongue I'm 95% sure i will make you hit my character with those mass spells Big Grin

and im 100% sure it won't
because the only way it would, its near stairs/stacks , and If u mark every SQM where stack is possible with speical SQM avoid aoe, Bot won't allow aoe advanced attack to be used there, u have no other way.

So only way that comes in mind, is you SOMEHOW pushing my character far away from its original path and spawn, to find exact same monsters that bot is setup to attack with aoe, near stairs/ladder/stack where I didn't mark it in Special SQM.
And I also mean to mark places where you can go Up/Down with exani hur / parcels

Also there is a Delay after seeing a person, which you familiar how it works.
(02-28-2017, 10:08 AM)Catar Wrote:
(02-28-2017, 09:01 AM)Kazan Wrote: You want me to test this with you on Tongue I'm 95% sure i will make you hit my character with those mass spells Big Grin

and im 100% sure it won't
because the only way it would, its near stairs/stacks , and If u mark every SQM where stack is possible with speical SQM avoid aoe, Bot won't allow aoe advanced attack to be used there, u have no other way.

So only way that comes in mind, is you SOMEHOW pushing my character far away from its original path and spawn, to find exact same monsters that bot is setup to attack with aoe, near stairs/ladder/stack where I didn't mark it in Special SQM.
And I also mean to mark places where you can go Up/Down with exani hur / parcels

Also there is a Delay after seeing a person, which you familiar how it works.

Not only way Smile Log-out - log-in i made many rs like that ;d
(03-02-2017, 11:57 AM)Kazan Wrote: Not only way Smile Log-out - log-in i made many rs like that ;d

You forgetting, there is RANDOM delay after seeing a players. It's nearly impossible to predict when to login. And it's rather hard to logout with monsters nearby
(03-02-2017, 02:23 PM)Catar Wrote:
(03-02-2017, 11:57 AM)Kazan Wrote: Not only way Smile Log-out - log-in i made many rs like that ;d

You forgetting, there is RANDOM delay after seeing a players. It's nearly impossible to predict when to login. And it's rather hard to logout with monsters nearby

I can watch your character on spy-down/spy-up from other floor and than when i will see, your character started using exori, i'm logging in and in less than secound out if you not hit me, cause monsters doesn't see me 1 secound when i log-in.
(03-04-2017, 09:22 AM)Kazan Wrote: I can watch your character on spy-down/spy-up from other floor and than when i will see, your character started using exori, i'm logging in and in less than secound out if you not hit me, cause monsters doesn't see me 1 secound when i log-in.

You would have to fit into the small window of about 20-30 milliseconds (in the timeframe between bot sending packet to use exori and server receiving it)
So it's VERY Unlikely that you would ever succeed.
And still proves my point of my 'aoe ek' setup is way better than auto macros

Let's assume you ever try.

With ~50 ms latency, You would have to approximately 1 chance in 40 (25/1000) to succeed a single skull, but after each fail you would have to wait ~1 min for your PZ form monsters to disappear, or 30s if u exit (which may be risky).

That's simply too much effort with no reward. Because if you somehow succeed to skull, you still won't make RS, simple alarm/protector would prevent that.

This way you just wasted hours and got nothing.

So if that's not 100% safe, nothing is.
(03-04-2017, 04:35 PM)Catar Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 09:22 AM)Kazan Wrote: I can watch your character on spy-down/spy-up from other floor and than when i will see, your character started using exori, i'm logging in and in less than secound out if you not hit me, cause monsters doesn't see me 1 secound when i log-in.

You would have to fit into the small window of about 20-30 milliseconds (in the timeframe between bot sending packet to use exori and server receiving it)
So it's VERY Unlikely that you would ever succeed.
And still proves my point of my 'aoe ek' setup is way better than auto macros

Let's assume you ever try.

With ~50 ms latency, You would have to approximately 1 chance in 40 (25/1000) to succeed a single skull, but after each fail you would have to wait ~1 min for your PZ form monsters to disappear, or 30s if u exit (which may be risky).

That's simply too much effort with no reward. Because if you somehow succeed to skull, you still won't make RS, simple alarm/protector would prevent that.

This way you just wasted hours and got nothing.

So if that's not 100% safe, nothing is.

I haven't got red skull from start of hexera on any of my bot chars. Don't care about kinds of using aoe spells ;D
hi i need macro for ue/sd safe
sd attack if player on scr
ue use if nobody on scr
(03-26-2017, 08:55 AM)t3kk Wrote: hi i need macro for ue/sd safe
sd attack if player on scr
ue use if nobody on scr

Check my ms/ed serpent spawns script

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