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Apes surface and -1 by Garst
Apes surface and -1

Depositer ON CAP<200
Refiler ON 300 MP 40 GHP
Suggested lvl: 70+
Suggested prof: Knight
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Sibang, Kongra, Merklin and some sh*t on the way
Item seller: Banaha Sash, Kongra's shoulderpad
Profit: 3-4k/h + 2-4 ape fur per hour
Exp/h: 40-50k
Reffered equipment: Zao Set, Shield 33+ def, Weapon with 40+ atk and supplies as on refiler(up)
Start: Port Hope Depo
Cash in bank for start: 15k

You have to remember that after each loading script you must mark Debug Macro in macro section, as on picture(red circle):
[Image: Bez%C2%A0tytu%C5%82u2.png]

Attached Files
.bbot   Apes surf and -1.bbot (Size: 12.63 KB / Downloads: 1,021)
Refiler Ghp?? Lvl 70??? Pleaase SHP ;]
exp/h ? cash/h loot/h? can you write it? ;D
(08-12-2012, 03:23 PM)eldermgm Wrote: exp/h ? cash/h loot/h? can you write it? ;D

i will update it for these informations soon, all scripts have not morethan 2 days, gimme time totest it guys;p
Script reupdated, cuz of few bugs
I will test on my 50 ek.
(08-12-2012, 07:06 PM)Frohser Wrote: I will test on my 50 ek.

Ok but delete macro ghp in macro section and add this(the same name):

{ghp} VarSetEx(Total, 40) VarSet(Potnow) Misc.ItemCountEx(236) VarSub(Total, !Potnow!) HUD.Display(!Total!) NPC.Buy(236, !Total!, 1))

it will be buying shp instead ghp
Garst you're monster scripter Big Grin btw. Where are our "Bbot experts"?
(08-12-2012, 10:57 PM)Fangril Wrote: Garst you're monster scripter Big Grin btw. Where are our "Bbot experts"?

thanks, maybe they are little busy atm;p
I am just posting sctipts i am using,
they are quite good becouse i can test it xd
What is Debug Macro?
(08-12-2012, 11:15 PM)Jofemf Wrote: What is Debug Macro?
When i had it dismarked sell macros wasnt working, so i decided to mark it and make users to do the same just in case, tomorrow i will check thati am wrong or not definitely, becouse Mega~ told smth like that he dont know about what i am writting here
btw, if you wants talk about all scripts, my methods etc post in my main scripts thread:

Threads like this one are only for bugs reporting;p
Zrobilem to sam, tylko sie dziwie dlaczego on wyplaca 15k z banku jak ma kupic 300mp + 40 ghp czy shp Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
(08-13-2012, 11:31 AM)Frohser Wrote: Zrobilem to sam, tylko sie dziwie dlaczego on wyplaca 15k z banku jak ma kupic 300mp + 40 ghp czy shp Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

W opisie masz napisane, ze na poczatek poty musisz miec sam, ghp zuzywa tylko w naglych przypadkach, a manasy nei schodza do konca, wiec 15k jesu suma akurat
Mam pytanie czy dam rade na 50lvl ??
(08-20-2012, 07:16 AM)Sentine Wrote: Mam pytanie czy dam rade na 50lvl ??

raczej nie, ale mozesz sprubowac;]
After BBot update script dont working
MOge powiedziec ze 50 najtem ze skillami 76/71 zao setem bohami i c shieldem normalnie se tu expie
(08-20-2012, 04:24 PM)Sentine Wrote: MOge powiedziec ze 50 najtem ze skillami 76/71 zao setem bohami i c shieldem normalnie se tu expie

ciesze sie;]
Jak u mnie skrypt nie sprzedaje śmieci po powrocie do port hope i nie kupuje potkow w ogole... Poza tym co jakiś czas plącze się w tych takich piramidach czy jak to nazwać gdy goni sibanga..
w ogóle zauważyłem , że po updacie bbota na 7.0 ten skrypt działa gorzej , nie kupuje manasów i zacina się goniąc sibangi. BTW. czy wy też macie tak , że bot staje wam przed schodami , chwile myśli i dopiero wchodzi? to samo jest ze schodzeniem...

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