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BBot 8.8
+ Added
- Removed
= Fixed/Improved
Version 8.8
= Some issues with login
= Some crashes
= Open Backpacks feature
= Avoid Waves
= Loading scripts while not connected
= Healers checkboxes
= Mana Tools checkboxes
= Editing creatures on killer list now load correct priority
= When NoKill is enabled, if the character is stopped for 5 seconds it will start killing (anti-trap with NoKill)
= Level 1 gamemaster protection now works only for "Say" and "Whisper" on default channel
= While opening Backpacks the Cavebot and Open Corpses will be paused, to avoid conflict with the open backpacks feature

Forum notes: shoutbox was removed, it was overloading the website.
What I can to do ?

[Image: 22222222222222222222222q.png]
[Image: 111111111111111111p.png]

[Image: 44444444444444444n.png]
[Image: 333333333333333333333.png]

I want to stop attack monster without add killer...
You can add the monster with priority "Avoid", that way the Killer will only attack the creature if you're trapped.
Thx Smile
hey mi modem has been reset and my bbot has been blocked -.-
Edit! when you load, some times it doesnt load the healer mybad! i actived it

Edit x2! after deposit it tryes to loot everything back from dp to bp!
tested, for now work good.
i cant open more than 1 bbot at time
When i start the bot it says Error 6010054, what can it be ?
my bbot error 6010054 plix help me
BUGS in the new version dont use Health potions,Great heal pots or any potion and die plix fixe
Light item for healing is not working
and strong item :/

Mar 03 2013, 04:10:55 CET Died at Level 92 by a corym charlatan.
Mar 03 2013, 03:50:08 CET Died at Level 94 by a corym skirmisher.
Mar 01 2013, 09:30:27 CET Died at Level 92 by a corym skirmisher.
im getting a error 7000000
Hard item for healing not work !
Mar 03 2013, 08:07:58 CET Died at Level 178 by a nightmare.
Thanks again for die -.-
[Image: a6af0914b4a2a9f6.jpg]

Is there any option to see this shortcuts all the time, not only when pressing ctrl + shift? Will be really helpful.
For people with error 6010054 go to the Polish support, there's my topic, how to solve that.
i cant use health potion!!! what happen??
Error 2010060 here!
HEaler is not working
Why i cant heal by potions?????
Mar 03 2013, 03:16:31 CET Died at Level 42 by a mutated human.
Why I can open bot only on one tibia client?

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