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Yalahar/Fenrock - Tortoise and Barbarians - No waypoint
Hello everyone! I just made my first script in Yalahar - Tortoise and barbarians, everything works just fine expect when I am heading back from the refill (look at the picture) it says No waypoint at "Fixed (32559 31312 6)" could anyone make an macro so that the bot shall walk up for the stair?

[Image: 32u4WgM.jpg]

Kind Regards Oscar

Attached Files
.bbot   Yalahar - Fenrock - Tortoise and Barb fail.bbot (Size: 14.58 KB / Downloads: 74)
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EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
Does it have a Point downstairs and another one upstairs?
If yes and it is not working the you can use for example a macro to move 1 SQM in desired direction.

Add it to macros:
[macro]0 {MoveWest} Self.MoveW()[/macro]
Then, while being downstairs add that macro 1 sqm to the east from the stairs.
Cavebot -> Codes/Labels -> Macro -> choose MoveWest
(03-11-2013, 08:53 PM)nizlov Wrote: Does it have a Point downstairs and another one upstairs?
If yes and it is not working the you can use for example a macro to move 1 SQM in desired direction.

Add it to macros:
[macro]0 {MoveWest} Self.MoveW()[/macro]
Then, while being downstairs add that macro 1 sqm to the east from the stairs.
Cavebot -> Codes/Labels -> Macro -> choose MoveWest

Thank you so much, it actually worked!

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
Yes I've had this same problem when I made Fenrock tortoise.

You will find lots of stairs with this problem, which you will have to use Macro to move.

A few examples are, Cyclops at Mistrock, almost all hunts at yalahar, Migician, Djinn, zombie.

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