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Salamander scripts pack by Garst
Salamander scripts pack

Depositer ON CAP<50
Refiler OFF Not neccesary
Suggested lvl: 8+
Suggested prof: Knight
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Salamander, Swampling, Marsh Stalker, Emerald Damselfly
Profit: 2-3k/h
Exp/h: 8-15k
Reffered equipment: Brass Set, Spike sword
Start: Venore Bank Depo
Cash in bank for start: 0

Depositer ON CAP<50
Refiler OFF Not neccesary
Suggested lvl: 8+
Suggested prof: Sorcerer/Druid
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Salamander, Swampling, Marsh Stalker, Emerald Damselfly
Profit: 1.5-2.5k/h
Exp/h: 6-12k
Reffered equipment: Spirit Cloak, Obsidian Lance, Plate legs, Steel helmet, Scarf
Start: Venore Bank Depo
Cash in bank for start: 0
Other info: good for making sd schooters, tested it on 8 characters

List of Caves:
[Image: 13042e040a91a25a.jpg]

Every script have numer in name, it means that it will hunt cave with the same number on picture.

Attached Files
.bbot   Salamanders for knight 1 by Garst.bbot (Size: 9.53 KB / Downloads: 740)
.bbot   Salamanders for knight 2 by Garst.bbot (Size: 9.64 KB / Downloads: 612)
.bbot   Salamanders for knight 3 by Garst.bbot (Size: 10.4 KB / Downloads: 655)
.bbot   Salamanders for knight 4 by Garst.bbot (Size: 10.5 KB / Downloads: 781)
.bbot   Salamanders for mage 1 by Garst.bbot (Size: 9.68 KB / Downloads: 191)
.bbot   Salamanders for mage 2 by Garst.bbot (Size: 9.79 KB / Downloads: 154)
.bbot   Salamanders for mage 3 by Garst.bbot (Size: 10.54 KB / Downloads: 212)
.bbot   Salamanders for mage 4 by Garst.bbot (Size: 10.54 KB / Downloads: 173)
Thank you!

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
ooooo ! kochany dobra robota Wink
Reput się należy
RP Mutated Humans 35 lvl Depositer, Refiler, Bankier

EK Darc Cathedral 40 lvl Depositer, Bankier
omg, more noobs on this respawn :c
i am making botchars on 3 worlds, 4 accounts with 2 characters,
on each world i got 10x 45 lvl knight which made profit 2.5kk
(04-18-2013, 06:17 PM)garst123 Wrote: i am making botchars on 3 worlds, 4 accounts with 2 characters,
on each world i got 10x 45 lvl knight which made profit 2.5kk

I got my main character, a level 171 EK and then I got like 5 newbcharacters I am moneymaking at the moment, they are like 30+ all facc.

Just curious, doesn't your computer got heavy lags when you use multiply MCs?

And isn't it pretty lame to log into them all the time?

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
gtfo from celesta plx o.O
set framemate limit to minimum in graphic options in tibia (you know where?)
my pc can run about 20 mcs, but it is useless for everything else excluding using web browser
(04-18-2013, 06:56 PM)garst123 Wrote: set framemate limit to minimum in graphic options in tibia (you know where?)
my pc can run about 20 mcs, but it is useless for everything else excluding using web browser

Aha okey, yeah I know where.
Thanks for the answer!

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
reput, działa elegancko

Pytanie, czy da rade w jakiś łatwy sposób, np. w dziurze dla maga nr 3, żeby nie wychodził z dziury i nie bił tego poziomu wyżej, który biją wszyscy, tylko cały czas siedział w dziurze i wychodził poniżej 50capa?

Wystarczy chyba przenieść ten label check capa wyżej nie? Czy mógłbyś to zrobić jakbyś miał czas? ;d
Bo strasznie tego nie ogarniam jeszcze ;d
i tested caves 2,3,4 for knight it is good, reput for you
Dzięki reput poleciał Smile Dobra robota
My own question after u get 40-45 lvl on salamandras where to go? he don't got higher skills than 60/60 so it's too hard to put on cyclopolis or maybe but with 50+lvl with good eq (i mean relic sword is important or any other weapont) can u tell me ur opinion what next? after 60 can be coryms but between 40/45 lvl to 60? and what about skills?

PS: i got problem that on windows XP after update 9.81 + tibia after this browase option bbot is getting closed by my windows idk why. It just show send message/don't send message to support. and bot (i mean icon is still working but my tibia get's closed=when this error is showed tibia get stuck and bot doesn't work but is all time running) Do anyone know what to do about that problem?
Only for me money loot not working ?
Or its just off ?
(05-22-2013, 07:11 PM)Ghato Wrote: Only for me money loot not working ?
Or its just off ?

Check your backpack configuration maybe?

Rep if I help?
Used 1 2 and 4, they all worked out perfectly, thank you very much!
4x knights (Online) ;*

NICE WORK Garst123
Garst could You make one script with 4 holes? I mean all in one for knight Big Grin
Thanks in advance Smile

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