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Waypoints by Kimoszin
[Image: 2zz7txj.png]
[Image: 2e1bpys.png][Image: 2enoiu9.png][Image: b6va82.png][Image: ajsbvo.png]
Welcome to the topic of my scripts, I hope I can help it.

[Image: 2m2j7n8.png]

23/10/13: Update [K-Abdendriel] [DBR] [MK] Elvenbane v1
10/11/13: Added [K-Abdendriel] [DBR] [MK] Elvenbane v1
23/10/13: Update [K-Carlin] [DBR] Ghostland v1.1
21/10/13: Update All Adfly links were removed!
15/10/13: Added [K-Carlin] [DBR] Ghostland v1
12/10/13: Added [K-Thais] [DBR] Ancient Temple Orcs v1
26/05/13: Added [K] [D] [Abdendriel] Wasp, Bear and Wolf
03/03/13: Added [K] [D]B] [Ab'dendriel] Trolls 1 and -1
02/01/13: All the old scripts have been deleted!
02/01/13: Thread created!
[Image: ohrb68.png]

[Image: 2llbuid.png]

[Image: 2u975oi.png]

My script contain all, or the majority of these features:
  • Potion, Capacity, Item, Ammo, Position Checks
    • Checks if you have certain amount of items.
  • Banker
    • Deposit your money, and withdraw to continue the fight!
  • Depositer
    • We need to guard our itens.
  • Refiller
    • Ever wondered go hunting without potion?
  • Safe Bank, Supplies
    • Only let's hunt if everything is ok!
  • Macros own
    • Yes, I think I can do macros.
  • Pause on death
    • Eu não quero morrer novamente.
  • Variables
    • MY script to YOUR liking.
  • Etc...

[Image: EpkT0.png]
  • [D] Depositer
  • [R] Reffiler
  • [B] Banker
  • [DBR] Depositer, Banker and Reffiler
  • [MK] Money Maker
  • [RM] Rune Maker

[Image: ziSvq.png]
  • Inice the script with your character offline, and configure to your liking.
  • Check the variables.
  • Configure Healer.
  • Check the shovel and rope in Cavebot.
  • Post a comment, if you liked my work. or Donate!, hehe
If you like my scripts and want to make a donation, please, feel free.
Remembering that no one needs to donate because my scripts are free.

Options to donate:
  1. Paypal
  2. In-Game
[Image: 1xk4z.png]

[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]

[Image: 1238u1l.png]

Send a parcel to amount to Nizsomik in Fidera
[Image: lBeyM.png?1]

[th]Script Name[/th]
[td]Rats Al Dee[/td]

[Image: rUUMf.png]

[th]Script Name[/th]
[td]Wasp, Bear and Wolf[/td]
[td]Ancient Temple Orcs[/td]
[td][DBR] [MK][/td]

[Image: tsE23.png]

[th]Script Name[/th]

[Image: r8Nq2.png]

[th]Script Name[/th]
Wow, looks good. Waiting with patience Smile
wow, cool! scripts nao!
I'm hoping the new version.
Big Grin
and then?
I've done some, but I'm testing, I want to see if they are really safe.
Wait! hehe.
u can send me if is for knight lvl 60 or pally lvl 30 or ed lvl 30
Pretty design! Smile
Rep for design! Hope for RP scripts ..
[Image: Rat.gif]

[Image: 20idq49.png]
  • Level: 1
  • Equipments: Any weapon, Doublet, Leather legs, Wooden shield, Leather helmet

[Image: 29vy0br.png]
  • Items: 1 Backpack or 2 Bags

[Image: 348io9d.png]
  • Macros: Logout at level 8

.bbot   [R] Rats Al Dee by Kimoszin.bbot (Size: 5.76 KB / Downloads: 256)
You are stopped this work ?
[Image: Troll.gif] [Image: Troll_Champion.gif]

[Image: 20idq49.png]
  • Level: 10
  • Equipments: Plate set

[Image: 29vy0br.png]
  • Items: Silver Key (Key:3033), Health Potions.

[Image: 348io9d.png]
  • Banker
  • Depositer
  • Healer
  • Mana Training
  • Variables
  • Special SQMs
  • Open Doors
  • Auto Reconnect
  • Eat Food
  • Open Backpacks
  • Screenshot
  • Protectors: GameMaster, Private Message, Stucked
  • Macros: Key 3033, Restart Cave Bot, Pause on Death

.bbot   [D][B] [Abdendriel] Trolls 1 and -1.bbot (Size: 11.28 KB / Downloads: 170)
Se pudesse montar um honeycomb maker em ab, eu agradeceria mt Smile
waiting for pally scripts free full afk Big Grin
[Image: Wasp.gif][Image: Wolf.gif][Image: Bear.gif]

[Image: 20idq49.png]
  • Level: 10
  • Equipments: Plate set and Weapon level 20+

[Image: 29vy0br.png]
  • Items: Main Backpack, Shovel, Rope and Health Potions (PVP)

[Image: 348io9d.png]
  • Variables
  • Food Collector
  • Depositer
  • Deposit on limit of Honeycombs, Wolf paws, Bear paws and Capacity
  • Mana Training
  • Auto Reconnect
  • Eat Food
  • Open Backpacks
  • Protectors: GameMaster and PK
  • Macros: Pickup food and Pause on Death

.bbot   [K] [D] [Abdendriel] Wasp, Bear and Wolf by Kimoszin v1.0.bbot (Size: 7.89 KB / Downloads: 224)
Yo [K] [D] [Abdendriel] Wasp, Bear and Wolf by Kimoszin v1.0
normal thais wasp bear and wolf Big Grin

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