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Macro Request / Solicitacion de Macro

Someone can make a "macro" or something that check that if the attacked monster doesnt killed in certain amount of time, the character attack the closest monster? this because if other monsters trap me, but the "attacked" monster is around there far of me but in the screen, i will be trapped until i death just there "attacking" an unreachable monster.

Alguien puede hacer un "macro" o algo asi que cheqe que si el monstruo atacado no muriĆ³ en cierta cantidad de tiempo, el char ataqe otro monstruo? esto porque si otros monstruos me atrapan, pero el monstruo qe se esta "atacando" ando por ahi lejos de mi pero en la pantalla, estare atrapado hasta que me maten simplemente "atacando" a un mounstro inalcanzable...

here the problem

[Image: n14jeu.png]
in this example, ill never kill the terramite in front of me, unless the attacked terramite gets out of screen, therefore die by a simple terramite

i have an idea of how to create it but i dont have any experience.. it will be something like this

if a creature stay more than 10sec beside me restart the killer and that way retarget to the creature beside me

please help me! Smile

tengo una idea de como hacerlo pero no tengo nada de experiencia.. seria algo asi

si el mounstro se queda mas de 10 segundos a lado de mi retargetear o reiniciar el killer para que empieze a atacar la qe este a junto a mi
[macro]800 {Change Attack} target:=Creature.Attacking() Macro.Wait(30000) newTarget:=Creature.Attacking() target==newTarget Self.Stop()[/macro]
(07-04-2013, 08:35 PM)Kimoszin Wrote: [macro]800 {Change Attack} target:=Creature.Attacking() Macro.Wait(30000) newTarget:=Creature.Attacking() target==newTarget Self.Stop()[/macro]

thanks!!! can you explain me what the macro do?
it doesnt work... :S try it

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