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[K]Kazordoon Minotaur Tower by Adame
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[Image: Minotaur.gif] Minotauros[Image: Minotaur_Archer.gif]

Level req: 30+
Skills: 55/55+
Here are my script, just have a little problem, didn't have a Refill, but have a depositor, you can edit for a Refill if u want..

You can start script on Kazz DP Smile

NOTE: use a wagon, so be sure that u buy the ticket for use it!!
[Image: Ore_Wagons_System.jpg]

Creatures to kill ?..
Minotaur [Image: Minotaur.gif]
Minotaur Archer [Image: Minotaur_Archer.gif]

and rare spawn..

The Horned Fox [Image: The_Horned_Fox.gif]


Gold 2/3k Hr
Minotaur Horn
Minotaur Leather

It's good for a task on facc!

Please give a reputation+ :3 and comments are welcome!

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This is a new era to TibiaAngel ! xd <-- JOIN AND HELP :3
up and rep pls!!!!
This is a new era to TibiaAngel ! xd <-- JOIN AND HELP :3

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