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[ED_MS] Liberty Bay Earth Elemental 60 + 100k/H
[Image: 8147.jpg]

[Image: y5ke.gif]
[Image: rjgw.gif]

[Image: m26i.gif] 1. Edron Earth Elemental [Image: 3qt.gif]

1. BackPack - Rope, shovel, Mana Pots, Termites shit Big Grin
2. Backpack - Gold

LvL - 60 +
Exp on hour - 100k/ bonus 150k
Refill - Yes
Auto mount - No
Auto Safe - Yes
Refil - 200 Smp
Must Have Exori Flam And Exori Vis

First Script Refil 237<40
Secound Script Refil 237<40;Cap<20

All mine script on

When you take me rep i make next scripts Smile
Have question ? Msg me Wink

Attached Files
.bbot   [ED_MS] EarthElementalLibertyBay.bbot (Size: 7.61 KB / Downloads: 796)
.bbot   [ED_MS] EarthElementalLibertyBay2.bbot (Size: 7.62 KB / Downloads: 690)
[Image: tepg.jpg]
are you sure it's 120k/h?
(11-29-2013, 08:28 PM)Vidaric Wrote: are you sure it's 120k/h?

Yea Wink If dont belive me i send screen ! Smile
[Image: tepg.jpg]
You play in server x2 bro ? :o Its too much experience.
(11-30-2013, 03:09 AM)JeshuaStep Wrote: You play in server x2 bro ? :o Its too much experience.

Srry now is better?Big Grin
[Image: tepg.jpg]
I've botted this place 60-80 and it was always 80-85k Tongue
When im exping 1h i have 100k WinkTongue
[Image: tepg.jpg]
Hey guys on 77 ED i have 150k/h without premium stamina in x2 server
(12-03-2013, 06:50 AM)Hakore Wrote: Hey guys on 77 ED i have 150k/h without premium stamina in x2 server

Because Ms killing faster Wink i have wand of everblazing + flam Smile
[Image: tepg.jpg]
Any chance to make script that will deposit items and cash when cap <20 ? I exp there all night and big waste because full cap no return to depo
(12-08-2013, 11:40 AM)Ognisty92 Wrote: Any chance to make script that will deposit items and cash when cap <20 ? I exp there all night and big waste because full cap no return to depo

Done ! Sorc and Druid it is proffesion for waste -.- no for make cash !
[Image: tepg.jpg]
refresh !
[Image: tepg.jpg]
As ED which rod should I take ?
(12-10-2013, 07:59 PM)maniana1 Wrote: As ED which rod should I take ?

Hmm IDK Tongue earth hate fire
[Image: tepg.jpg]
Refresh !
[Image: tepg.jpg]
Testing for 24 Hours . 2 Hours and already 2 levels !!
[Image: j27c.jpg]

I edited it bit for me Smile Loving this place though Tongue Big Grin
Rep + If you like my post Smile
I made 5 levels using this script but only 1 haunted blade and 50k waste over 3 and half hours
The script dont drop the empty potions :S
(12-27-2013, 09:14 AM)cesc1_37 Wrote: The script dont drop the empty potions :S

it's simple general configs have option drop empty potions or u deposit is really easy to do.

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