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Corym VENORE 60 lvl + Seller Item 1001% afk
Hello Smile
This is my Corym scripts venore full afk + refi + seller Smile

You need minimum 60 lvl for this script. skill 70/70
And good eq.

BUY 190 MP
35 SHP Smile

Back if 100 cap or 50MP

START BOT BANK VENORE or in cave Smile

Attached Files
.bbot   CORYM VENORE + seller + ref 1001% AFK.bbot (Size: 12.07 KB / Downloads: 494)
who tested?
19 download .. and who tested :>?
Bot don't sell loots, only go to Rafuz and nothig sell ; c
Loot sell lot 100%... its work maybe someone trap you and bot leave this poit for sell lot this time.
its not your script.
:O :O :O :O
loool you use one of my scripts to make yours, but if have a problem that you couldnt solved Big Grin wait for the new versions o my script on coryms Big Grin
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
(01-24-2014, 02:35 AM)xolink Wrote: loool you use one of my scripts to make yours, but if have a problem that you couldnt solved Big Grin wait for the new versions o my script on coryms Big Grin

This is my scripts i make this wayponts and every thing ! .. But yes I modeled on someone scripts but only how to use elevator THATS ALL !

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