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[EK] Mammoth Factory 100% AFK 30+
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Mammoth shearing factory

Start : Svargrond depo +1

PK alarm + going to depo + screen + logout

Level : 30-35+
Skills : 60/60
XP/h : 25k/h to 45k/h
Gold/h : 4-5k/h depends too because you can loot [Image: Stuffed_Toad.gif][Image: Witch_Hat.gif][Image: Bag_of_Apple_Slices.gif]

Monsters : [Image: Mammoth.gif][Image: Witch.gif][Image: Frost_Giant.gif][Image: Elephant.gif][Image: Frost_Giantess.gif]
[Image: bp-setupj_ehhxxap.jpg]

Where it is ?
[Image: mapjpg_ehhxxse.jpg]

Amount of potions you can change in variables, default amount is 80 mana potions and 30 hp potions.
Cap to go to depo you also can change in variables, default value is 40.

It doesnt loot mammoth whopper, if u want you can add it.
You can change PK alarm to dont go to depo , add custom alarms etc.

Its my first script i made , i hope you will test it and give me feeback if something is bugged! Rep+ if i helped !

Attached Files
.bbot   Mammoth Factory.bbot (Size: 10.1 KB / Downloads: 304)
im gona test ;p

perfecto ;p reput
Any Quest i need? or smt?
without any quest
Thumbs Up 
Works perfect!

Thank you rep+
Great job bro , i know tibia map really good but i never heard about this place ! gratz Smile
If i Help give a rep please Smile


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