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Hello Guys ! Smile


I'd like to share my script's with You.
If You download, using and like it, please give me reputation point I will be happy and Will put more and more my scripts Smile

All script have setings in Variables so go there before start

Let's see what i have to share with You:

Farmine Terramites 30+ but need change potions
Exp= 40k/h Profit 10+k/h

Port hope Dworcs ALL SPAWN in macro change ID your weapon
Exp 50k/h Profit Depend on luck Voodoo Dolls 2-5 on stamina

Apes -1-2 floors
Exp 40-50k/h Profit 10k/h (try to sell cocount in market)

Charkoyas need Ice island 6th mission
Exp 30k/h Profit 3k/h + Northern pikes

Cults yalahar -2-3
Exp 80-100k Profit 5-25k/h

Yala necro + hero both sites
45 Necro/h Exp 60-80k/h profit 5-30k/h

Yala GS need yala mission to gate cemetery
80gs/h Exp 100-130 k/h Profit 5-15k/h

Data with Exp/profit can be other depend from lvl and ppl on spawn

Attached Files
.bbot   Farmien Terramites 80+ by Ugi.bbot (Size: 14.88 KB / Downloads: 301)
.bbot   PH Dworce cale RA.bbot (Size: 23.26 KB / Downloads: 474)
.bbot   Port Hope Malpy.bbot (Size: 16.49 KB / Downloads: 484)
.bbot   Svargrond Charkoyas by Ugi.bbot (Size: 13.67 KB / Downloads: 162)
.bbot   Yala culty.bbot (Size: 11.02 KB / Downloads: 538)
.bbot   Yala Necro Obie Strony by Ugi.bbot (Size: 15.74 KB / Downloads: 462)
.bbot   Yala GS EK by Ugi.bbot (Size: 9.5 KB / Downloads: 334)
bump Smile
i'm going to test the yala cults, i'll come back later to gave you a feedback and a rep+
Ok cool mate Smile good luck
bump Smile
in Dwarc script how to change weapon for zaoan sword please help coz i don't how to make this
left alt + f8
click right mouse button on
then u see id your weapon
then go to macro and change id
Zao sword id : 10390

and this >> in macros Map.UseOn(7434, 2295, 32675, 32871, 8, 2)

can u do it for me please?
Map.UseOn(10390, 2295, 32675, 32871, 8, 2)
yes he did at first time but he stacked in return u have to check script bro
it's free and old script..

i used it from 80-100 lvl and never stacked Smile
Tested cults. Works fine! Thank you mate!
Give me reputation if this post is usefull,
no problem Smile have a nice profit and exp there

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