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[K][facc]Thais - Fibula Rotworms 101% AFK
[Image: Jagged_Sword.gif][Image: Rotworm.gif][Image: Carrion_Worm.gif][Image: Orcish_Axe.gif]
Knights Lvl 15+ Skills 45/45+
Exp: 20k~/h Loot: 2k~/h + Carrion Worm Fangs and Lump of Dirt
Refills 15hp (for don't die with lags) / Go back to dp when hp<5;cap<70
Just one bp with one bp inside with one bp inside etc.
Check Healer, Variables(hp and cap to refill), etc. before starting bot

It will open all the doors by itself so you won't get stucked!
You need this key in bp:
Tested with 23K 18h with no problems

Note: Be careful with pks, you can set a protector if needed!
Enjoy and Rep+ if liked!

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK]Fibula Rots by Albert34567.bbot (Size: 13.02 KB / Downloads: 390)
20 downloads 0 comments:/
I will test it and edit my commentSmile


Works fine Smile rep

46 download 1 comment 1 rep so badSad
Gonna test him for 10 hours from now.
After it i gonna give you feedback (now i give you reputation) Smile
(04-12-2014, 11:38 AM)Albert34567 Wrote: tySmile

46 download 1 comment 1 rep so badSad

it's normal with this ppl Big Grin
I will test it Tongue
Any comments?
i will do download, but only tell u anything when mc tomorow :p
Please Give me Rep+ if i helped you !
the script has problem, he go deposit and have very cap and health pots, i edit but he still go bank ..
Please Give me Rep+ if i helped you !
(05-05-2014, 10:12 PM)LeandroBento Wrote: the script has problem, he go deposit and have very cap and health pots, i edit but he still go bank ..
Something should be wrong in your bot. Check all your settings.
I've used this same script for more than 10 staminas always without problems.

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