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[EK]Darashia Dragons 101%AFK by Albert34567
[Image: Mystic_Blade.gif][Image: Dragon.gif][Image: Dragon_Hatchling.gif][Image: Demon_Shield.gif]
Knights LVL 60+ Skills 75/75
Exp: 100k~/h Loot: -5k/h to 15k/h
Refills 40ghp and 200mp, goes back to dp when cap<200;hp<15;mp<75
You can change ghp to shp and when to go refill in variables!
Just one bp with one bp inside with one bp inside etc.
Automount, autoexori and autoutura macros(you can remove them if you want)
Check Healer, Killer, Variables(hp and cap to refill), etc. before starting bot

The script has got safe refill system so when he goes out of the shop it checks if you have the required mps and ghp before going to hunt.
This script also has an autoexit macro. It will exit tibia if there's the NPC Kasmir on screen, so when you die and appear in Darashia temple it will exit. You can change the name Kasmir in the macro "exit when die" to the name of the npc in your hometown, so when you appear in temple if someone kills you you'll exit game.

Note: Be careful with pks, you can set a protector if needed!
Enjoy and Rep+ if liked!

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK]Darashia Dragons by Albert34567.bbot (Size: 10.39 KB / Downloads: 506)
GHP on 60 lvl ?
haven't time to do this script so i got it from u Smile
tested 12h
works without issue ! Smile
rep ofc
(05-06-2014, 08:56 PM)Gretos Wrote: GHP on 60 lvl ?
(05-06-2014, 11:57 AM)Albert34567 Wrote:
You can change ghp to shp and when to go refill in variables!

You can change ghp for shp in variables, just read the topic!
Testing... this script looks good i will give rep when tested Big Grin
(05-14-2014, 07:26 AM)Taqo Wrote: Testing... this script looks good i will give rep when tested Big Grin

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