You can sell Wolf Tootch Chain 100x Each at Port Hope, so everyone who have pacc at other account shoud drop it to bp, after 24h i usually have 600-800 Wolf Tootch Chain's = 60-80k profit more. : p
works fine! rep added 45 kina 68 sword crown armor knight legs warrior's shield assassin dagger warrior helmet 6k/h profit 25k/h exp including refillers. just need to buy lighter eq and get higher lvl cuz to often refilling
As i said , for the moment this place is THE BEST place for getting profit as FACC Account , also before 70lvl for Pacc too, cuz at Tortois you will never get +5k profit/h , whilst at Rorc's it could be more than 10k / h. : p
Script good I didn't knew rorcs are so profitable but was reconnect set up and 2 knight died and keep going from temple and I got from 60lvl too 20 x.x my fault anyway. Also is very popular on secura and quilia ppl walking same waypoints what me I just changed waypoints on spawn and is good