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Third and last Toszek Quenn Script list
1. Lion's Cave Darashia .

[EK] +120 i- stay here from 110 to 160
Zaoan Helmet / MPA / Zao Legs / Drake Boots / MMS / Annihilator weapon - or better.
Skills : 90/80 +
For exp here you must complet quest for Lion's Heart.

2. The Hive with Spitter's room.

[EK] +160 200k exp/h 0-40k profit/h
PRISMATIC HELMET/ARMOR/SHIELD , Inq'u Weapons , Zao Legs , Draken Boots.

Skills : 90/85+

Great cash maker script.

3. [EK] 100+ Servant's Edron

First you have to remove pluggy from cave than open script at cave, it's only caveboot with killer/looter/healing and macros. Golden Can of Oil/Slime Mould/Mage's Cape = Great profit if you're lucky enough.

[Image: Y58lLNg.jpg]

This character is already banished so np. about name at screen.

Good luck , have fun everyone.

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK]130+ The Hive by Toszek.bbot (Size: 8.32 KB / Downloads: 773)
.bbot   [EK]130+ Roaring Lion's Dara by Toszek.bbot (Size: 14.48 KB / Downloads: 708)
.bbot   (EK) Servanty Edron wpt caveboot.bbot (Size: 5.41 KB / Downloads: 513)
I'll test your Hive script
(01-16-2015, 04:56 PM)endrju123 Wrote: I'll test your Hive script

SS please!
I think this Servant is not ok bro. Now we need clean cave. if you do this script, will be nice ;D
"First you have to remove pluggy from cave than open script at cave, it's only caveboot with killer/looter/healing and macros" - are you blind. ? Maybe check description. ?
I'm doing that script 100% afk
I've done clear floor now just need to do exp and after kill mage refill
not bad but i think better exp here
have good profit if bot loot a lot of carapace shield epee and many many more

[Image: XjbD7VM.jpg]
Hey, can u edit your Hive script? Few days ago Cipsoft changed map i guess and now your script gets stucked near the stairs. Other scripts for Hive doesn't work too, because of the map change ;/
And why don't you add more tower floors? Wink
I hope you will edit it quickly Smile
Sry for my english Big Grin
(02-27-2015, 04:16 PM)samoloth Wrote: Hey, can u edit your Hive script? Few days ago Cipsoft changed map i guess and now your script gets stucked near the stairs. Other scripts for Hive doesn't work too, because of the map change ;/
And why don't you add more tower floors? Wink
I hope you will edit it quickly Smile
Sry for my english Big Grin

nope i bot here sometimes
weak script I look at your screen and 10 hours have 100k my scripts after 10 hours heave 200k lot

but I think that I will test Hive Smile

Make scripts for ek 1-170lvl msg me Smile[/align]
that scrip of servant... clean all floor or what?... thx
Character Toszek Quenn does not exist.
he was never exist at rl .
that script... of Servant, clean all floor?
Bro i have problems the scipts for lions da error. plz help me, i need it script is good for lvl
you need two cts in locker wtf?
(08-06-2015, 10:50 PM)tyffash1010 Wrote: you need two cts in locker wtf?

W H A T [??]
I need at the dp ? the bot stuked in the dp :| Help!!!
In the lion's heart script, he keeps trying to withdraw supplies, even if already withdraw, then moves to another depot and do it again, idk why

Lion's heart script are configured to withdraw potions (great and strong) from a second BP in depot, if you don't have, it'll stuck, if you don't want him to do it, delete the line "supplies withdraw" from cavebot, but make sure it will have potions, or add a line to buy at npc
I was using lion's cave for a long time and it works perfect for me Smile

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