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[PL][EK]120+ Zao Dragon Lords,Frost Dragons 101%AFK
Zao Dragon Lords,Frost Dragons 101%AFK


Scrypt na 100+EK bezpieczny 100% sprawny testowany

nie bede duzo wymieniac poprosu full afk zao dle i frosty. E

Exp/h-ok 300k dla knighta. Skille wydaje mi sie ze 90/80 bedą opytmalne.
Profit- nie bede sciemnial, raz jest profit a raz waste.

Scrypt typowo dla Elite Knighta z lvl 100+ lecz jest możliwość przeróbki dla magów

Exp/h oraz mniej wiecej jak wyglada expowisko udokumentowane na zdjęciach poniżej.

Jeśli się podoba prosze o komenta pozdrawiam Smile

[Image: 0f557ef91e2700cd99daffc16c737969.jpg]

[Image: 294cc74ae2b4bb83aa98b6e85f57a2d2.png]

[Image: 9a5111ef260da6406d0d598599bb2d2d.jpg]

[Image: b1de59f88c359ff4d6af290c11a3435b.jpg]

[Image: 27279d923b8cef9c08659336f4d4fae8.png]

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK]120+ Zao Dragon Lords,Frost Dragons.bbot (Size: 11.2 KB / Downloads: 459)
Yes ,tested.
oki zaraz sprawdze jak bedzie dzialac to rep+
Hello! Nice script, its all perfect, but when my char tries to buy Great Health Potions it gets stuck saying "hi trade" to NPC a million times, how can I fix this? At the moment I just bought 300 GHP and deleted the waypoint from the cavebot so I can go afk Smile
(04-02-2016, 06:48 PM)Mementoxd Wrote: Hello! Nice script, its all perfect, but when my char tries to buy Great Health Potions it gets stuck saying "hi trade" to NPC a million times, how can I fix this? At the moment I just bought 300 GHP and deleted the waypoint from the cavebot so I can go afk Smile

Hello Mementoxd Smile

[Image: 7968418a96b59eba31453c26041f1aa5.jpg]

In the picture u have sample waypoints, so if u have problem with buy potions umust
change amount money what is need for buy given amount potions. In withdraw waypoint u must change how many money u need withdraw in bank on given amount potions and next u must change lower waypoint with buy potions how many potions must buy. My English is not too good but I hope it helped. Have fun
siemasz a jak to z backpackami w tych all skryptach bo uzywam bota od niedawna i nikt nie piszae jakie bp i ile trzeba pomoze ktos pozdrawiam.

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