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East Katacombs Oramond ek 400+

Free Script for most popular ots by Kazan

Watch out for the loorers ;P

Character only make experience (around 3,3kk\h when respawn is free). Getting cash from bank->buying potions->go exp->refill; Deposit all cash

it's for elite knights 400+ lvl with VERY GOOD eq for physical resistance.

Script is with looring/exori/exori gran (if no players on range)

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.bbot   cata ek 380+.bbot (Size: 7.16 KB / Downloads: 342)
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O.o kazan..

Decided to join bbot?

How is your sis?
(03-09-2016, 01:44 PM)Catar Wrote: O.o kazan..

Decided to join bbot?

How is your sis?

Joined few months ago ;o

Top 2 ek power gamer hexera ;P
This work on tibia rl?
(03-25-2016, 11:13 AM)ponketo Wrote: This work on tibia rl?

No, monsters are too strong there
no kazan ale npc ci sie pojebaly skrypter wielki
(11-09-2017, 12:42 PM)ajos Wrote: no kazan ale npc ci sie pojebaly skrypter wielki

to jest skrypt z przed prawie dwoch lat
(11-09-2017, 12:42 PM)ajos Wrote: no kazan ale npc ci sie pojebaly skrypter wielki

Synku jak nie umiesz nawet przerobić npc (przed update był jeden ze wszystkim) to po co dupę trujesz na forum Bbota? Przecież taka legenda co wszystko potrafi...

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