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Multiples Full Checks? - Printable Version

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Multiples Full Checks? - benjarf17 - 01-11-2015

Hi people!

It's possible to have multiples full checks in the script?

I wanna have like 10-12 full check (lol), because i wanna make the most money possible without wasting time of go to the unique full check checkpoint (i'm boting in Coryms).

Anyone knows?

RE: Multiples Full Checks? - MegaNo0body - 01-11-2015

(01-11-2015, 02:19 AM)benjarf17 Wrote: Hi people!

It's possible to have multiples full checks in the script?

I wanna have like 10-12 full check (lol), because i wanna make the most money possible without wasting time of go to the unique full check checkpoint (i'm boting in Coryms).

Anyone knows?

Use the FullCheck label and create multiple labels.

RE: Multiples Full Checks? - benjarf17 - 01-11-2015

Can you help me with it? I don't have the less dammit idea of what i'm doing, lol. Really noob using labels and all that stuff.

Here's the script, and it has only one checkpoint. The last time I copy/paste the full check code changing the number points but my char stopped in one of those squares I put the code and nothing happened... He was paralyzed there.

RE: Multiples Full Checks? - damiansnk - 01-11-2015

U can do it easy.

chose 1 point in spawn on the middle resp.
there will be ur fullcheck point
do 1 label come back to this point
full check label full 'refill' else 'next label'
come back to same place and
full check label full 'refill' else 'next label'
on last label next 1 label exp

RE: Multiples Full Checks? - benjarf17 - 01-13-2015

Thanks damiansnk. I'm gonna try it and see what happens.

RE: Multiples Full Checks? - benjarf17 - 01-13-2015

My char is still freezing in the place i put the code. What the hell i'm doing wrong :/? Can someone do some fullcheck labels on the script?

If someone doesn't have the confidence to download my script, you can find the original one here (the last one called "Coryms South West-2 Full Cave"):