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Free Scripts By Krzysiek13923
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Hello All BBots Users Smile today i add free scripts !
Lets Go

1. Darashia Dragons 100% Afk: With refiller on Capacity less than 100,Mana Potions less than 70, Great Health Potions Less than 19.
Also This Script have depositer Wink
Great script if you need good exp place and have great cash profit.

You must have in main bp 4 bps.
First Main.
Second for Cash
Third for items
Fourth for other shit items.

Macros :
Anty-Stucked -if bbot stoped.
Creatures On screen -when on screen are 3+ monsters Bot say 'exori'

Lvl recommend : 80+ ek.

.bbot   Darashia only Dragons 100% Afk by Krzysiek13923.bbot (Size: 11.67 KB / Downloads: 272)

And Darashia Dragons for 65 + lvl (with good eq and skills ) with : refiller on Capacity less than 100, Mana Potions less than 70, Strong Health Potions Less than 19 (bot buys 80 SHP and 200 MP)

.bbot   Darashia Dragons 100% Afk for 65+ By Krzysiek13923.bbot (Size: 11.67 KB / Downloads: 199)

2. Darashia Dragons and Dl's -2 100% Afk : With refiller on Capacity less than 100 , Mana Potions less than 100, Ultimate Health Potions Less than 20
Also This Script have depositer Wink
Great script for h-lvl good loot and exp.

Anty-Stucked -if bbot stoped.
Creatures On screen -when on screen are 3+ monsters Bot say 'exori'
Skin Corpses

Lvl Recommend : 150+ek

You must have in main bp 4 bps.
First Main.
Second for Cash
Third for items
Fourth for other shit items. (golden mugs,energy rings.)

.bbot   Darashia Dragons and Dl\'s -2 100% Afk By Krzysiek13923.bbot (Size: 12.72 KB / Downloads: 171)

3.Dark Cathedral -1 100% Afk : With refiller on Capacity less than 80,Mana Potions less than 30, Health Potions less than 21
Also This Script have depositer Wink
Item Seller -steel helmets and others.
Nice script for cash.

Macros :
Anty Stucked
Furniture on screen
Low Mana Potions - when Bbot have low Mana Potions (less than 10) 'he' logout.

Lvl recommend : 30+

.bbot   Darc Cathedral -1 100% Afk By Krzysiek13923.bbot (Size: 23.78 KB / Downloads: 246)

4.Pirates On Nargor 100% Afk : With Refiller on Capacity Less than 200, Mana Potions less than 50, Great Health Potion less than 9.
Also This Script have depositer

You must have 3 Bp's on your main Bp.
First Main Bp.
Second For Cash
And Third for pirate Bp's

ITs Nice script for make task. -this script is good for lvls 130+ becouse also have Ultimate Health Potions refiller.

Furniture on Screen
Creature on Screen -When are 3+ monsters Bot say 'exori'
Auto Mount.

Lvl Recommend -130+ for good profit/you can also botting on 50+ but you must change refiller.

.bbot   Pirates on Nargor 100% Afk By Krzysiek13923.bbot (Size: 17.96 KB / Downloads: 258)

Have fun
and if this scripts are good for you,give me reput Smile / if you have any problem with script tell to me on PM also if you need better scripts PM to me.
Very good scripts Tongue

Reput sie należy temu Panu Tongue
(09-02-2012, 04:19 PM)Warr Wrote: Very good scripts Tongue

Reput sie należy temu Panu Tongue

Narazie to nie dziala nic przez ta wersje bota. ..!
Uuu. Jakim prawem od wersji 7.0 mi działa wszystko a ludzie na forum sie skarżą że im gówno działa ^^ ?
Sprawdzał ktoś WPT na DC? Czy jest bezpieczne dojscie bez dsa przez out camp ?
tak jest bespieczne ale jest blad gdy wraca wchodzi kolo stajni na schody i sie buguje ;/
(09-08-2012, 10:15 PM)stolar Wrote: tak jest bespieczne ale jest blad gdy wraca wchodzi kolo stajni na schody i sie buguje ;/

Właśnie to zmieniam Smile widocznie ,zacina sie gubi przy wykupywaniu konia na tych wersjach BBot'a, na poprzedniej działało bez zarzutu,już to zmieniam pozdroSmile reupload

Więc tak porobiłem kilka testów aczkolwiek ani razu postać mi nie weszla na schodki, więc tak jak pisałem wcześniej Bot musi się ciąć,gubić wpt,itd. ale mniejsza wprowadziłem fixed point,ponadto anty parala i inne pierdołki dzięki którym powinien jeszcze lepiej działać skrypt, już jest reupload można ściągać,pzdr.
Darashia Dragons for 65 + lvl (with good eq and skills )

Pytanko, na tym skrypcie który napisałem wyżej nie bede miał waste 72 elite knightem ze skillami 84/82 i eq: zaoan helmet, mpa, dwarven legs, boh, mms ? Proszę o odpowiedź, dzięki. Smile

I jaki profit mniejwięcej? Smile Od ilu minimum do ilu maximum? Tongue
(10-21-2012, 07:14 PM)Vogax Wrote: Darashia Dragons for 65 + lvl (with good eq and skills )

Pytanko, na tym skrypcie który napisałem wyżej nie bede miał waste 72 elite knightem ze skillami 84/82 i eq: zaoan helmet, mpa, dwarven legs, boh, mms ? Proszę o odpowiedź, dzięki. Smile

I jaki profit mniejwięcej? Smile Od ilu minimum do ilu maximum? Tongue

Nie bd waste.
A jaki profit od min do max ? Smile
wbija na respa i dupa stoi w miejscu i podbiega do jakiegoś miejsca jakby tam był loot i próbuje to podnieść , ; /

(10-25-2012, 01:59 PM)Allmighty Wrote: NIE DZIAŁAJĄ MI SCRIPT ; o .
wbija na respa i dupa stoi w miejscu i podbiega do jakiegoś miejsca jakby tam był loot i próbuje to podnieść , ; /

Jaki skrypt?
This Darashia *Dragon is not working...... he runs to 1 place and stands there for 5 mins before he runs to next point "inside" lair" Thats really bad.*
And the bot dosent target dragons on my screen eaither....
(11-26-2012, 09:20 AM)nibloz Wrote: This Darashia *Dragon is not working...... he runs to 1 place and stands there for 5 mins before he runs to next point "inside" lair" Thats really bad.*
And the bot dosent target dragons on my screen eaither....

Killer on BBot doesnt work good i cant repair now waypoint on Premium place,becouse i dont have on this time pacc.
(11-26-2012, 09:31 AM)Krzysiek13923 Wrote:
(11-26-2012, 09:20 AM)nibloz Wrote: This Darashia *Dragon is not working...... he runs to 1 place and stands there for 5 mins before he runs to next point "inside" lair" Thats really bad.*
And the bot dosent target dragons on my screen eaither....

Killer on BBot doesnt work good i cant repair now waypoint on Premium place,becouse i dont have on this time pacc.

Okey Can you fix me a Script ? Facc Orc fortress ? im 73 EK with Dragon scalemail, crusader helm, vamp shield, boh, zaoan legs , plat amulet .. ec 85/81 Skills 1175 hp 335 max mana . would be nice of you. inside the fortress but safe.
(11-26-2012, 03:29 PM)nibloz Wrote:
(11-26-2012, 09:31 AM)Krzysiek13923 Wrote:
(11-26-2012, 09:20 AM)nibloz Wrote: This Darashia *Dragon is not working...... he runs to 1 place and stands there for 5 mins before he runs to next point "inside" lair" Thats really bad.*
And the bot dosent target dragons on my screen eaither....

Killer on BBot doesnt work good i cant repair now waypoint on Premium place,becouse i dont have on this time pacc.

Okey Can you fix me a Script ? Facc Orc fortress ? im 73 EK with Dragon scalemail, crusader helm, vamp shield, boh, zaoan legs , plat amulet .. ec 85/81 Skills 1175 hp 335 max mana . would be nice of you. inside the fortress but safe.

Yes,i can creat it soon.
Ten skrypt na DC działa na dzień dzisiejszy?
(11-28-2012, 06:42 PM)szeldo123 Wrote: Ten skrypt na DC działa na dzień dzisiejszy?

Ostatnio poprawialem go i dzialal,teraz nie wiem czy na tej wersji BBot dziala sprawdz i zdaj relacje.
dara dls refiller dont work, withdraw 0 pots, buy 0 pots go dls, fix point and back.
(12-19-2012, 08:43 PM)dragnit Wrote: dara dls refiller dont work, withdraw 0 pots, buy 0 pots go dls, fix point and back.

I dont have pacc on this time.

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