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╠ BBot Scripts ╣
got one more question. Im changing the config to 1 in variables, applying it and it's still running like basic, any ideas why ?
He go to the Hard Mode only after complete 3 laps ( to a safe hunt , without respaw full)

[center][EK] Zombies Cemetery Yalahar [70, P, Depositer+Refiller]
[Image: wayk.png][/center]

When this go to DP?
How Configure the Refiller?
#########Zombie Yalaha [EK] by Hunger##########

# EK 80+
# Check by Cap, GHP and MPS
# Refil GHP and MP

#Check Vars


######################################Refiller Setup


Exp: 65~80k/h - Stamina full 100k/h
Gold: 4k/h
Level: 80+
Skill: 85+

## Get some brown mushrooms, to make a secure hunt.

## The script work better with map click, but this function is detectable.

## Configure the healer to avoid a danger. (This script have a main config, if you dont want configure.)

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Attached Files
.bbot   Hunger Zombie Yalahar [EK] DP+Refil v1.0.bbot (Size: 9.97 KB / Downloads: 327)
Thumbs Up 
nice scripts,, ghosland carlin
Maybe necro/hero on yalahar for task and red poc Smile ofc 101% afk
After this:
Are Coming....
Wyrms LB [EK]
Alchemist +1 Yalahar [EK]

\/ Nexts
45 Ms , Tomb with some Vampire
Necro/hero on yalahar
[Mage] Larvas Ankrahmun Hidden [15, P, Depositer+Refiller+Runemaker]
Locate of the cave
[Image: secreted.png]

When this go to DP?
How Configure the Refiller?

#########RuneMaker Larvas by Hunger##########
# ED 15+
# Check by Cap and MPS
# Refil Blank Runes and MP

#Leave the Cave

#Refiller Setup


Exp: 7~12k/h - Stamina full 18k/h
Gold: 4k/h
Level: 15+
Skill: 0+

## Configure the healer to avoid a danger and the Enchanter. (Set the rune to depositer on Looter)

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Attached Files
.bbot   Hunger Larva Hidden Cave [Mage] DP+Refil+Rrunemaker 1.0v.bbot (Size: 8.82 KB / Downloads: 193)
I'm testing the wyrm script Rolleyes
So far it seems to be amazing with a few little bugs.

1. Healer, wouldn't it be smarter to make the bot use exura at 80%, Exura Gran san at 50% and SHP at 40%? and the delay between healing spells 1000 so it doesn't spam all the time and get exhausted
2. Killer, often the wyrm just runs away in deep red hp Undecided and the bot doesn't follow it.
Maybe it's not the scripts fault, I don't know Smile
1 I go make this changes on new version

2 its happened because distance attack is bad, but now i'm using proxy and here works fine
[center][EK] Mutated Humans Yalahar [60, P, Depositer+Refiller]
[Image: Alchemist_quarter_0.png]

When this go to DP?
How Configure the Refiller?

##### Mutated Human Yalaha [EK] by Hunger #######

# EK 60+
# Check by Cap, SHP and MPS
# Refil SHP and MP

#Check Vars


######################################Refiller Setup


Exp: 45~60k/h - Stamina full 70k/h
Gold: 10k/h
Level: 60+
Skill: 75+

## Get some brown mushrooms, to make a secure hunt.

## The script work better with map click, but this function is detectable.

## Configure the healer to avoid a danger. (This script have a main config, if you dont want configure.)

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Attached Files
.bbot   Hunger Mutated Human Yalahar [EK] DP+Refil v1.0.bbot (Size: 13.97 KB / Downloads: 282)
[center][EK] Wyrms Liberty Bay Customizable [110, P, Depositer+Refiller]

[Image: ffsdfs.png][/center]

How Configure the Refiller?
######## Wyrms Liberty Bay [EK] by Hunger########
# EK 110+
# Check by Cap, GHP and MPS
# Refil GHP and MP
#Check Vars

#Refiller Setup

# Full or Basic
#Full Level 140+ = config 1
#Basic Level 110+ = config 0


BP Setup
1- Main
2- Potions Loots
3- Loots

[Image: 93149982.png]

Exp: Basic 90 ~ Full 130k/h - Stamina full 180k/h
Gold: 15/h
Level: 110+
Skill: 85+

## The script work better with map click, but this function is detectable.

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Attached Files
.bbot   Hunger Wyrms LB [EK] DP+Refil 1.0v.bbot (Size: 7.93 KB / Downloads: 426)
Rly nice scripts can u add more 100+ Ek scripts Big Grin? REP for u for that wyrms
Yes. I go add after...

Alchemist +1
DLs to 170
and others
[center][RP] Dragons N & W Yalahar Customizable [60, P, Depositer+Refiller]

[Image: dgp74g.png][/center]

How Configure the Refiller?
## Dragon Lair West and Nort Yalahar [RP] by Hunger####

# RP 60+
# Check by Spear, Health Potions and Mana Potions
# Refil Customizable

#Check Vars


######################################Refiller Setup




BP Setup
1- Main Potions and Spears
2- Loots

Exp: 50 ~ 70k/h - Stamina full 100k/h
Gold: 15/h
Level: 60+
Skill: 75+

## The script work better with map click, but this function is detectable.

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Attached Files
.bbot   Hunger Dragons Yalahar [RP] DP+Refil 1.0v.bbot (Size: 10.57 KB / Downloads: 293)
Hello Hunger i would like to know if can create a scrypt for dragons without Dl on venore D-Lair...

Really Preaciate
he wont buy any pots Sad
Dragon script?
No, wyrms :/ I dont get these new settings.
Hey Hunger, any chance for making script for 50+ rp on nargor pirates? With refiller/depositer/etc. That would be lovely Smile
you can change lest I bought a spear but he took an enchanted spear from depot?

Mozesz zmienic i zrobic zeby bral z dp enchanted spiry a nie kupowal royalki ?
................ Kliknij TU i zobacz jak CZESIO daje repucika ...............
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Hunger, can u make one Necro Hero-ED 90+ yalahar, please Big Grin!

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