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Ek Cults Yalahar
Hello, i'm looking for script for EK on Cults in Yalahar with refiller and depositer,
EK 85lvl skills 85/85
It will be nice if it be 100% afk and tested
(11-01-2013, 07:00 AM)Viserys Wrote: Hello, i'm looking for script for EK on Cults in Yalahar with refiller and depositer,
EK 85lvl skills 85/85
It will be nice if it be 100% afk and tested

i can make it for you.. can wait? go to school after i make it.
ok, i wait, thanks for interesting
(11-02-2013, 08:12 PM)Viserys Wrote: ok, i wait, thanks for interesting
check healer, bot buy 400 mp's and 50 ghp, if have serpent spawn lured bot will kill him.. anyone question or problem pm here.

Attached Files
.bbot   (EK)Cults_Yalahar_thiaguiN.bbot (Size: 11.93 KB / Downloads: 105)
i tested it now, you forget add to lootable items reins Big Grin
(11-03-2013, 09:58 AM)Viserys Wrote: i tested it now, you forget add to lootable items reins Big Grin

reins? drop?? where? O.o .. don't have magician or apprentice O.o in Cults spot.
drop from Acolyte of the Cult
First problem is with first door, he stay in front of it and i see "There is no way",
Second, what if you will be trap by ghost i must have avalanche
(11-03-2013, 05:28 PM)Viserys Wrote: drop from Acolyte of the Cult
First problem is with first door, he stay in front of it and i see "There is no way",
Second, what if you will be trap by ghost i must have avalanche

download script.. \/ problem with first door solved. but , I used the script but not trapped 1 time for ghost. =O

Attached Files
.bbot   (EK)Cults_Yalahar_thiaguiN.bbot (Size: 11.93 KB / Downloads: 52)
Re DOWNLOAD. sry. =]

Attached Files
.bbot   (EK)Cults_Yalahar_thiaguiN.bbot (Size: 11.94 KB / Downloads: 122)

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